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SPCL 3000 LGBTQ Youth in Educational Contexts (Greytak)

Prof. Emily Greytak OER

About Study Groups

Interested in Joining a Study Group? If you haven't signed up for a Study Group and would like to, complete this form. When there are enough new people for a group, I'll email you to let you know and introduce you to your group.

Study Group Purpose: To provide opportunities to learn from each other, discuss the issues in a more personal way, and to provide help, accountability, and support. 

How long should we meet? Totally up to you but I recommend about 30 minutes a week. 

Where/How should we meet? You can meet in person or remotely whenever and however works for all of you.

What do we talk about? These are your meetings, you can use them however you would like. I will share a suggested guide for your meetings each week. These will be listed on the “Study Group” section on the Course Site. You can follow the guide completely, partially, or not at all.

You can also use these meetings to ask and answer questions about the material to to get help and support each other. 

You could also have “watch parties” to view the films.

Can we do assignments as a group instead of as individuals?  The Guide will include information about opportunities to do some of the assignments as a group instead of individuals. In these cases, you will be provided with a link or instructions for you to put your responses as a group (as opposed to individual). Make sure you include the names of everyone who attended the study group meeting on this form in order to get credit.

You are still expected to do all of the readings, watch all the videos, submit Weekly Responses and your Papers and Projects as individuals (though you will have the opportunity to do some project steps and parts of weekly responses as a group if you choose)

Any other questions?

  • Reach out Emily with any questions - via email, text, or at Office Hours.

  • You can also ask me to attend a Group Meeting to provide support or answer questions.