Paper Prompts
Historiographical papers provide an overview of recent research. These papers are very common in art history, English and history. This essay is good practice for reading a number of articles and pulling out the central arguments. This is not just summary though; your thesis will argue what the overarching arguments of your articles are.
You’ll want to start your search on Not every article you find will be helpful, so you may need to read more than 3-5 to find a good set.
This is a broad question, and we’ve answered it generally in class. For your paper, dig deeper into one aspect of this. You could focus on the economic motivations, Chang Ch’ien’s diplomatic mission, the military causes, or anything of interest to you.
Your essay should reference at least one work of art as evidence- this could be a depiction of events, an object traded between China and another nation, an object that shows something relevant to your discussion of what prompted Han dynasty expansion westward. etc.
You can research on objects at:
Respond to ONE of the two prompts in a 4-5 (Times or Times New Roman, 12 point font) page original research paper. Please review the rubric for formatting guidelines and specifics on how the paper will be graded.
Prompts will be posted in the beginning of the semester
Cite your sources using footnotes (not parenthetical citations) in Chicago style. Information on how to format your footnotes may be found here:
Paper Revisions
After receiving your grade for your paper, you will have the opportunity to revise your paper based on my comments for a new grade. (If your grade on the revised paper is lower, you will receive the initial higher grade).
Thesis: 20 points
For 20 points:
For 10 pints:
For 5 points
For 0 points
Argument: 60 points
For 60 points
For 45 points:
For 30 points:
For 10 points:
For 20 points:
For 10 points:
For 5 points:
A note on footnotes: if a source is used and not cited, the paper will receive an automatic 0/100 as plagiarism is not tolerated in the course. Please be in touch with questions about how to cite your sources. It is extremely important that you at least try to cite your sources properly. This paper is an opportunity to learn how to use footnotes properly. This does not mean you can’t have small mistakes. However, blatantly not citing your source(s) is considered plagiarism.