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ARTD 3015: The Development of the Silk Road: 6. Connections

An OER for Professor Anna Carroll

Major Assignments Unit 6

May 3 (Tuesday): Quiz 2

May 17 (Tuesday): Optional Exhibition Revisions Due

May 19 (Thursday): FINAL EXAM 3:30-5:30 ON ZOOM

Unit 6: Archaeological Evidence

April 28 (Thursday): Archaeological Evidence

Readings due before class:

Unit 6: Marco Polo

May 3 (Tuesday): Marco Polo

Major Assignments Due

  1. Quiz 2

Readings due before class:

  1. Mark Cartwright, “Marco Polo,” (you don’t need to watch the video)


Module 6: Religion

May 5 (Thursday): Religion

Readings and Watch Video due before class:

Optional Resources: Unit 6

Unit 6: Trade

May 10 (Tuesday): Trade

Readings due before class:

Unit 6: The Modern Silk Road

May 12 (Thursday): The Modern Silk Road

Readings due before class:

  1. TBA

Major Assignments Due:

  1. None

May 17 (Tuesday): Final Exam Review

Major Assignments Due:

  1. Optional Exhibition Revisions Due

May 19 (Thursday): FINAL EXAM 3:30-5:30 ON ZOOM