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BUSN 7250X/PSYC 7246G: International Human Resource Management: Week 3

OER for Prof. Hervé Queneau (Summer II, 2021)


  • Training and Development
  • Career Management


Suggested Resources

Week 3 Discussions

Answer the Week 3 Discussion Questions by Tuesday, July 27th 11:59 pm and post at least 2 replies to the answers of other students by Thursday, July 29th 11:59 pm.

Assume you are the VP for HR of a U.S.-based multinational company that is relying on both short-term and long-term international assignments for its operations in Brazil. There is evidence that most U.S. expatriates in Brazil experienced challenges in adjusting to the Brazilian culture. In this context, you have been tasked to develop a new cross-cultural training program for your U.S. expatriates in Brazil.

  • What are the main differences between the U.S. and Brazilian cultures?
  • What would be the main learning objectives of the new cross-cultural training program?
  • What types of training activities would you include in the program?
  • How will you measure the effectiveness of the program?