On this page there are sample application activities from several disciplines. While they are all designed for group work, they vary to the extent to which that they adhere to the 4S framework. The applications can be tweaked further to suit the purpose of a course within the same and across disciplines.
This site is designed to evolve over time. To that end, please submit your own application activities to be included on this OER.
Unless otherwise noted, this Team Based Learning (TBL) Open Educational Resource (OER) was created and curated by Professor Graciela Elizalde-Utnick,
Department of School Psychology, Counseling, & Leadership, School of Education for Brooklyn College in 2023 and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Site design and formatting by Amy Wolfe, OER Developer (Brooklyn College) and Accessibility Librarian (CUNY Office of Library Services). Brooklyn College | Library Accessibility Information| CUNY Accessibility Statement