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SPCL 7931T Practicum in School Psychology and Counseling I

Open Educational Resource

Course Description

Supervised field experience in the role and functions of the school psychologist with culturally diverse students, groups, colleagues.

Course Requirements

  1. 100 hours of supervised practicum over the 15-week semester.
    • Students are required to secure a practicum site no later than the third week of the semester. Failure to do so will necessitate withdrawal from the course.
  2. Class participation & attendance: grades will be lowered for unexcused absences/tardiness
  3. Reading assigned material prior to class, developing questions and comments for discussion
  4. Completion of all assignments
  5. Purchase of professional liability insurance for minimum $1 million/3 million coverage

Learning Objectives

This course is a supervisory seminar for the practicum experience. Issues relevant to practicum activities will be discussed. The focus of this course is on the practicum experience, with special attention paid to an understanding of individual and group counseling, assessment, consultation, and the importance of the family.

  1. Students will apply knowledge of theory & skills in assessment, counseling & consultation in clinical & educational settings (NASP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).
    • Assessed: Journal, log, field supervisor evaluation
  2. Students will develop a variety of intervention skills to address pupils’ academic, behavioral and social difficulties (NASP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
    • Assessed: Journal, log, evaluation from field supervisor.
  3. Students will provide detailed information on their practicum activities in written and computerized log and journal forms, in order to reflect on their own as well as the experiences of others and be able to integrate these reflections and feedback into their professional behavior (NASP 10). 
    • Assessed: Journal, Log

Classroom Decorum

The following rules are intended to improve the quality of the classroom and enhance learning for all. The following are expectations to be adhered to in every class:

  1. Please come to class on time and ready to participate. Because this is a seminar class, we often delve into intimate, emotionally-charged discussions of events in the practicum setting, requiring the participation of all students. Students who arrive late disrupt this process and affect the learning of the entire class. Final grades will be lowered for unexcused lateness and/or absences as well as excessive lateness and/or absences.
  2. Since classroom discussions involve students, staff, and institutions, all information discussed in seminar must remain confidential.  Any breach of confidentiality is unethical and may result in disciplinary action within the program.
  3. Issues with any of the above and/or other inappropriate behaviors in class or at the practicum site may indicate a lack of competency in professional behaviors expected of all school psychologists. A competency plan may be required (see page 12). Students who are unable to address inappropriate behaviors or demonstrate lack of professional work competencies may be dismissed the program.

Rubric for Evaluation of In-Class Participation

9-10: Consistently raises or facilitates discussion with peers; engages in integrative and higher order thinking in relation to the readings (e.g., integrates experiences with research, poses hypotheticals for the group based on findings); Weekly contributions to BB Discussion Forum.

7-8: Respectful attention to others’ contributions; periodically shares comments on at least one topic discussed in readings or presentations, and demonstrates understanding and relevance to group discussion. Almost weekly contributions to BB Discussion Forum

3-6: Present in class and attends and responds to others’ contributions at a personal level of experience; More than one absence or lateness. Observed off-task during class. Occasional contributions to BB Discussion Forum.

0-2: Makes no contribution to discussion or is reluctant to discuss experiences or comment on others'; unresponsive to or argumentative with others; repeatedly not present in class or late to class. Observed off-task more than once during class. Few contributions to BB Discussion Forum or waiting until end of semester to participate.

Grades and Evaluation

  1. Class participation (School Colors and Practicum Site Discussion): 10%
  2. Written work (logs, journals, plan, prevention & crisis review): 40%
  3. Evaluation from field supervisor: 50%

Policy on Late Submissions/Incompletes

Work submitted late will be marked down accordingly at the discretion of the instructor. The only exception is when the student contacts the instructor before the assignment is due, and the instructor agrees to provide an exception to the due date based on the student’s extenuating circumstances.

Faculty Council has determined the following policy for Incomplete Grades:

A grade of Incomplete (INC) may be given at the discretion of the instructor when 1) a student has satisfactorily completed most, but not all, course requirements, and 2) a student provides to the instructor evidence documenting the extenuating circumstances that prevent the completion of course requirements by the end of the semester.

It is important to note that grades of INC will only be given if the instructor determines the grade is appropriate given the unusual extenuating circumstances documented by the student in advance of the final due dates. Final assignments not submitted on the due date are given a grade of zero.