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Judaic Studies | Classics | Studies in Religion | Philosophy | Brooklyn College Library

JUST/CLAS/RELG 3022 and PHIL 3729: Searching for God: Week 9: Rabbinic Judaism 2

Ancient Greeks, Jews, and Christians

Topic for the week

Topic: Rabbinic Judaism Part 2: Talmudic and Midrashic non-Parmenidean Theology

1) Primary Sources: Rabbinic Judiasm 2: God's Anger

God’s Anger

2) Primary Sources: Rabbinic Judiasm 2: God as Affable Father Sensitive to the Feelings of Others

God as Affable Father Sensitive to the Feelings of Others

3) Primary Sources: Rabbinic Judiasm 2: 3. God as Sensitive to the Feelings of Others

4) Primary Sources: Rabbinic Judiasm 2: God as Just Judge We Have an “in” with

God as Just Judge We Have an “in” with

5) Primary Sources: Rabbinic Judiasm 2: God as More Powerful than the Oppressive Rulers

God as More Powerful than the Oppressive Rulers

Adolf Behrman (1876 – 1942), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

6) Primary Sources: Rabbinic Judiasm 2: Neoplatonic Aspects of Rabbinic Theology

Neoplatonic Aspects of Rabbinic Theology

7) Primary Sources: Rabbinic Judiasm 2: God’s Perfection/Imperfection

Secondary Sources: Rabbinic Judaism 2

Lorberbaum, Yair. "Anthropomorphism in Talmudic Literature: Trends in Jewish Thought and Scholarly Research." In In God's Image: Myth, Theology, and Law in Classical Judaism, 13-45. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. (dropbox)

Optional Reading: Rabbinic Judaism 2

Dov Weiss, Pious Irreverance: Confronting God in Rabbinic Judaism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 2017), Chapter 5 The Humanization of God, and Chapter 6 Divine Concessions. (Great book, but I can’t seem to find a digital copy)