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Judaic Studies | Classics | Studies in Religion | Philosophy | Brooklyn College Library

JUST/CLAS/RELG 3022 and PHIL 3729: Searching for God: Week 12: Medieval Philosophy

Ancient Greeks, Jews, and Christians

Topic for the week

Topic: Medieval Philosophy: Al-Farabi, Maimonides, and Aquinas

Primary Sources: Medieval Philosophy

Want to hear these read aloud?

Maimonides’s theology: Guide 1:35-36, 1:46, 1:50-55 (especially this last chapter), 1:65, 1:68-69 (skim), 2:Introduction, 2:1. Mishneh Torah

Maimonides recasting of Midrash: Guide 1:70 (specifically 93a [p. 174 in S. Pines transl.])

McCarthy, R.J. (1953): The Theology of al-Ash‘ari. Beirut p. 100 (question and answer 172). 

Secondary Sources: Medieval Philosophy


Speculative 18th-century depiction of Maimonides (public domain)

Thomas Aquinas.

An altarpiece in Ascoli Piceno, Italy, by Carlo Crivelli (15th century) The National Gallery