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HNSC 7244X: Nutritional Epidemiology

OER by Margrethe F. Horlyck-Romanovsky

How to succeed in this course?

Participation and Attendance (20%)

Class participation is important for your successful completion of this course. Active participation is crucial for your success and fellow students. Engaging in class discussion and group assignments is part of your learning experience. Asking questions, answering questions, taking charge of assigned tasks are all part of your participation and participation grade. Participation may be assessed by quizzes, interactive Blackboard tasks, and in-class activities. In-class activities will include hands-on computer-based activities, students administering questionnaires to each other, group problem solving and skills-based activities such as anthropometric assessments.

To succeed in this course, you will have to check in multiple times per week to obtain readings, class activities, read and comment on other student work. You are responsible for checking in on Blackboard at least twice per week. Blackboard provides your instructor with detailed information about when you have been active on Blackboard, and also which activities/materials you have reviewed. Should you experience ANY difficulties accessing materials, you must contact me via email immediately. Please see College policies regarding Student Absence on Account of Religious Belief which are exempt from these rules.

Assignment 1: Blog

Current Population-Level Nutrition Concerns/Controversies (15%)

Students will write a 1500 word blog post/essay summarizing current concerns in nutritional epidemiology and health equity for a specific geographic area and population group. Assignments must focus on how structural, institutionalized and interpersonal racism and other types prejudice directly affect food access, food quality, dietary patterns, stress and social determinants of health. Students are expected to include images, key references, and post on the Blackboard blog for the class. Students will critique and comment on each other other’s blog posts.

Assignment 2: Epidemiological Survey

Portrait of an Epidemiological Survey (10%)

Students will create a brief portrait of a local, regional or national nutrition survey cohort study summarizing its design, cohort size, population characteristics incl. representation of racial and ethnic minorities, study duration, major findings and contributions to the field of uncovering health inequities. Short oral presentation to the class.

Assignment 3: Critique of Questionnaire or Survey Tool

Critique of a Food Access/Nutrition/Physical Activity Survey Tool (10%)

Student teams will evaluate a nutritional epidemiology questionnaire or survey tool by assessing ease of administration, adaptability, respondent burden, usefulness of data collected, and anticipating how survey questions may perform in racially, ethnically diverse, and multicultural settings. The class will collaborate on assembling these assessments into a review of nutritional epidemiology questionnaires.

Assignment 4: Epidemiological Mini Study

Epidemiological Analysis of a Nutritional Epidemiology Issue or Manifestation (30%)

Student teams will collaborate on analyzing a particular nutritional issue affecting populations in New York City. Statistical analyses increase appreciation for survey data, value of thoughtful research questions, writing skills, ability to communicate complex messages and allow us to visualize complex things. Mini studies will be curated on the class OER site for future students and the general public to learn from (with student permission).

Final Presentation

Final Presentation (10%)

Final Presentation

The final presentation will be a formal class presentation of your mini epidemiological study. More info to follow

NB: Make-up presentations are not an option unless planned with me in advance of the scheduled date with verifiable documentation.  If an emergency situation arises in which you cannot make it to the scheduled exam, contact me as soon as possible so that we can work out an acceptable plan.