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Heritage Language Programs: Heritage Language Resources

A Collection of OERs


Heritage Language Classes Student Learning Goals

1038-level courses

  • Students will be prepared to take 2000-level courses in the major
  • Students will remember, understand, and apply the language
  • Students will develop a stronger connection to the cultures and communities where the language is spoken
  • Students will be able to summarize information.
  • Students will be able to compose a complete narrative in all time major frames integrating details.
  • Students will be able to describe situations, facts, objects, settings, etc.
  • Students will be able to identify the components and structure of presenting and supporting opinions.
  • Students will be able to write factual and concrete messages in mostly informal and some formal settings.
  • Students will be able to writes simple messages, requests for information, notes mostly present tense
  • Novice high to intermediate low

2018-level courses

  • Student will be able to narrate in major timeframes
  • Student will be able to describe in major timeframes
  • Student will be able to use language in a variety of contexts, with a variety of topics
  • Student will be able to use language in meaningful communication
  • Students will be able to explain complex matters in detail
  • Students will be able to present and support opinions
  • Students will communicate orally and in writing about both factual/concrete topics as well as abstract topics
  • Students will be able to write in formal settings (includes professional and academic)
  • Students will be able to demonstrate a strong connection to the heritage cultures where the language is spoken
  • Students will be able to analyze, evaluate, and create knowledge
  • Students will be able to present and support opinions and deal with topics abstractly
  • Students will be able to build-up paragraph-length discourse
  • Students will be able to communicate in writing and orally on topics will of general interest to the community with a focus on academic topics


Proficiency Criteria for Heritage Learners and Heritage Languages

Media for Heritage Languages

Readings for Heritage Learners and Heritage Languages


Heritage Learners and Heritage Languages 

Carreira, M. (2016). Supporting heritage language learners through macrobased teaching. Foundational principles and implementation strategies for heritage language and mixed classes. In M. Fairclough & S. Beaudrie (Eds.), Innovative Strategies for Heritage Language Teaching. A practical guide for the classroom (pp. 123–142). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

Martinez, G. (2016). Goals and beyond in heritage language education. From competencies to capabilities. In M. Fairclough & S. Beaudrie (Eds.), Innovative Strategies for Heritage Language Teaching. A practical guide for the classroom (pp. 39–55). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

Polinsky, M. & Kagan, O. (2007). Heritage languages: In the “wild” and in the classroom. Language and Linguistics Compass1 368–395.

Zyzik, E. (2016). Toward a prototype model of the heritage language learner. Understanding strengths and needs. In M. Fairclough & S. Beaudrie (Eds.), Innovative Strategies for Heritage Language Teaching. A practical guide for the classroom (pp. 39–55). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.


Sociolinguistic Profile of Spanish Heritage Learners and their Language

Flores, N. & Rosa, Jonathan (2015). Undoing appropriateness: Raciolinguistic idiologies and language diversity in education. Harvard Educational Review 85 (2) 149-171.

Leeman, J. & Serafini, E. (2016). Sociolinguistics for heritage language educators and students: A model for critical translingual competence. In Marta Fairclough


Proficiency and Literacy

Colombi, M.C. & Schleppegrell, M.J. (2002). Theory and practice in the development of Advanced Literacy. In M.J Schleppegrell & M.C. Colombi (Eds.), Developing Advanced Literacy in First and Second Languages: Meaning with Power (pp. 1-19). Mahwah, NJ and London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Samaniego, M. & Warner, C. (2016). Designing meaning in inherited languages. A Multiliteracies approach to HL instruction. In M. Fairclough & S. Beaudrie (Eds.), Innovative strategies for heritage language teaching. A practical guide for the classroom (pp. 191–213). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

Zapata, G. C., & Lacorte, M. (Eds.) (2018). Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Language Learning:Teaching Spanish to Heritage Speakers. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.


Assessment and Placement

Beaudrie, S. (2016). Advances in Spanish Heritage Language Assessment. In Pascual y Cabo, Diego (Ed.) Advances in Spanish Heritage Language (143-158)

Ilieva, G. & Clark-Gareca, B. (2016). Heritage Language Learner Assessment. In Fairclough, M. & Beaudrie, S (Eds.) Innovative Strategies for Heritage Language Teaching (214-236)

Carreira, M. (2012) Formative Assessments in HL Teaching: Procedures and Practices. Heritage Language Journal 9(1) 100-120