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ENGL 1012: (Prof. Lu) 🖊️

How to Find Print Books

Call Numbers

Print books (books physically on the shelf) have a call number which helps you locate them on the shelf. 

Books are in alphabetical, then numeric order on the shelves. Each shelf has a sign to indicate which range of books are on each shelf. 

Anatomy of a call number (UC Santa Cruz)

Screenshot of a book result in OneSearch. The call number is highlighted.


Map It! in OneSearch

Click on the book title or location in OneSearch. Scroll down a bit to the section Get It which will list Location Items

To the right of each Location is a Map It! option which will show you what bookcase the book is located in in the Library. 

Screenshot within a book record in OneSearch which highlights where to find the Map It feature under the Get It and Item Locations sections.

Request & Pick-Up

Request & Pick-Up

If you have a little time, you can also request the book and pick it up at the Library later. You can even request it be sent to another CUNY Library if a location is more convenient for you. 

  • Click on the book title and scroll to Get It
  • Sign in with your CUNYFirst credentials (if not already logged in)
  • Click Request this Library's Copy
  • Complete form
  • Wait until an email confirms it is available to pick up

Screenshot showing a book record in OneSearch with an arrow pointing to the link under the Get It section to Request this Library's copy.