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CISC Dept | Library

CISC 3350 Workstation Programming

OER Course Website for Brooklyn College's CISC 3350 Workstation Programming by Miriam Briskman


Course & Section Workstation Programming, CISC 3350, MW2
Semester Spring 2024
Class Meeting Location Ingersoll Hall, Room 3413 (IH-3413)
Class Meeting Time Mondays, Wednesdays (MoWe), 2:15 PM – 3:30 PM
Professor Miriam Briskman
Response Time Within 24 – 48 hours, between 12 PM to 9:30 PM
Office hours Wednesdays, 07:30 PM – 09:30 PM, online through Blackboard. Alternatively, please email me to schedule an appointment.

Course Description

Programming techniques for development of applications on networks of workstations. Process environments, file system issues. Concurrent programming, interprocess communication. Graphical user interfaces, event-driven programming. Distributed programming; remote process creation, the client-server model, message passing.

Taken from Brooklyn College's CISC 3350 Course Info Webpage.

Course Textbook

No textbook purchase is required. This is an OER/ZTC course which means all course materials are freely available to you. All content is either open educational resources (OER), zero textbook cost (ZTC) or library resources.

Course website with readings


Syllabi for section MW2

Helpful Information on Accessing Resources Remotely

To access some items you need to use your CUNYFirst login and others you will need to enter a password given to you by your professor.

The following icons will let you know what you will need to do to access the items. 

If an item has no icon, then you don't need to do anything to access it.

Off-campus access. You will be prompted to enter your Brooklyn College ID and login.Off-campus access. Use your CUNYfirst Username and Password to log in (same credentials for logging into Blackboard).

Password protected iconPassword protected item.  You will be prompted to enter the password given to you by your Professor.

open access item.Open Access item.  Free to use, no need to create an account to access.

internet archive resource.Internet Archive Item. Need to create a free Internet Archive account to access items fully.

NYTimes logo.Items located on the NYTimes site, access with free CUNY account.

Wall Street Journal logo (wsj initials).Items located on Wall Street Journal site, access with free CUNY account.

Need assistance with off-campus access? Go to the library's Library Remote Access page for assistance and instructions.

The Brooklyn College Library's electronic resources (e.g. journals, ebooks, databases, etc.) are available to registered students, faculty, and staff when off-campus, including while abroad.


  • To authenticate for remote access to Library databases you will be prompted to use your CUNYfirst Username and Password to log in (same credentials for logging into Blackboard). You may see a redirection screen to the new login screen.
  • Using Firefox as your browser is recommended.
  • For further assistance go to the library's Ask a Librarian or read more on Library Remote Access.

image of page redirecting to login


All CUNY members have free access to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Chronicle of Higher Education.

  • Use email to sign up.
  • Faculty & staff renew every year.
  • Students have access until graduation.
    • renewal requires working address.  

NY Times: Anyone who initiates an account will have an active subscription for one year from the date she/he creates the account. If you already have an annual subscription to the NYTimes, you can cancel it and will receive a refund. However, if you only have a monthly subscription, the New York Times will not issue a refund for that month.

Newspaper Icons

NYTimes logo.Items located on the NYTimes site, access with free CUNY account.

Wall Street Journal logo (wsj initials).Items located on Wall Street Journal site, access with free CUNY account.