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CISC 3130 Data Structures: Linked Lists

Professor Chuang Spring 2020 OER


Definition: A list implemented by each item having a link to the next item.

Also known as singly linked list. Other forms exist such as doubly linked list, double ended linked list, sorted linked list. 



Black, Paul E. (2019-10-1). Pieterse, Vreda; Black, Paul E. (eds.). "linked list". Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Retrieved from:

Parlante, Nick. (2004-04-12). Linked List Basics . Retrieved from:


A linked list is made of a node (or link) and a pointer to the next node.


A linked list begins with a head, or first. It's kind of like a train, where you can add more nodes. The linked list keeps track of the pointer to the first node. 

Java Implementation

Designing the Linked List from Nodes