We're using Java SDK version 8 for this class. It's the version installed on the computer labs on campus.
You may use any Java version on your machine, but there are some quirks specific to Java 8. It would be helpful to keep the link to the official documentation handy so you become familiar https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/
Main concepts to know from CISC 3115
To compile java source code on the command line, it is with this command:
javac Main.java
followed by running the executable with
java Main
If you have Windows or a tablet, you can log into the linux server to compile code from the command line.
ssh username@
After entering your password, create a directory for your assignment, such as:
mkdir folder1
You can use vim editor commands to edit files, or nano as others prefer.
vim folder1/File1.java
You can get your linux server account information from W.E.B. Computing Lab
First floor, West End Building
P: 718.951.5787
F: 718.951.4332
The Java Tutorials for JDK 8
Tutorial Table of Contents https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/TOC.html
Java SE 8 Documentation
Java SE API Documentation
Java Code Visualization
Textbooks, etc