Overview: While this course focuses on mastering the skills of expository writing: analyzing and evaluating sources, developing theses and arguments, researching topics, using evidence and citation, developing and navigating bibliographic materials, drafting and revising, and structuring a paper, it can do more than that. The goal of this class is for you to exit the room asking questions and observing the world in a way you haven’t before. What is literature? Why do people write and why do people read? What is its purpose in our society? If you do not see a place for yourself, the reader, in the books you study, then how can you determine why they say what they do and whether it is relevant? The goal of this class is for you to find a place in the world of literature by questioning the message every piece of writing transmits. Writing offers a way to express difficult painful, beautiful ideas in the world. What would you like to say about these messages?
The readings reflect several genres and disciplines, but focus on fiction, short stories and academic writing. Through in-class discussions, we will draw connections between literature, criticism, philosophy, psychology and personal understanding of today. These connections will lead us to questions that will drive research based on the themes of the class. From this research, each student will develop a research paper that reflects his or her unique, brilliant thoughts.
Course Objectives
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
· Read and think critically
· Understand how language operates
· Express ideas–both orally and in writing–correctly, cogently, persuasively, and in conformity with the conventions of the discipline
· Conduct research and write a research paper
· Be able to respond proficiently in writing (i.e. per the outcomes for “A”) to literary works.
· Display familiarity with literary works by a variety of authors in a variety of genres.
· Be able to offer an extended discussion in writing of two or more texts and authors in relation to each other.
· Demonstrate the ability to analyze and interpret based on careful attention both to the detail and overall design of a literary work.
· Demonstrate an understanding of the role of context in determining meaning.
Attendance & Punctuality: If you miss more than four classes, you will receive no credit for participation. Two latenesses count as one absence. Arriving more than 10 minutes late counts as an absence. A pattern of lateness will affect your grade.
Participation: Participation includes completing and commenting on the assigned reading, contributing to class discussion through listening and responding to classmates or the instructor, bringing required materials to class, and engaging in peer review and group activities.
NOTE: Cellphones must be silenced and put away during class. The use of cellphones and other electronics is not permitted in the classroom, except under exceptional circumstances. Students should inform the instructor about these circumstances.
Reading: Class discussion is a critical element of this course, and participation is essential. Students are expected to have closely read and be ready to discuss all readings on the day they are assigned. There will be unannounced reading quizzes. Bring the assigned reading to every class.
Response Papers: Three brief responses (125-250 words) to literary texts. These short papers will be a typed development of one of the in-class free write prompts. These responses papers will be graded on the implementation and practice of introducing quotations with signal phrases, summary and paraphrase.
Research Paper: A research paper of 6-9 pages that includes the following components: topic proposal, annotated bibliography, outline, first draft, second draft, introduction, conclusion, and final draft. This material must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font, and formatted with one-inch margins.
NOTE: A hard copy of essays are due at the beginning of class as well as submitted via Blackboard by noon of class due date.
Library Visit: Students will attend a library workshop during their class time once during the semester.
Presentation: Students will present a five-minute account of their work-in-progress.
Grading: The Brooklyn College policy on grading for English 1010 is as follows:
Grades for English 1012 are: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, NC or F. Note that the minimum passing grade is C-.Students who have completed all the course work but are not yet writing at the college level will receive a grade of NC; students who have not completed the course work will receive a grade of F.
Students who do not pass English 1012 must repeat it the following semester. The course may not be taken more than two times; students who receive three grades of F, NC and/or WU may be dismissed from the college.
NOTE: Essays turned in late will be penalized half a letter grade for each class meeting they are late. Late work will not be accepted after one week has passed from the original due date. If students miss a class during which an essay is to be submitted, students are still responsible for submitting the essay to Blackboard on the same day AND bringing a hard copy of it the next time they attend class.
Grading Breakdown:
Research Paper: 70%
Topic Proposal: 10 %
Annotated Bibliography: 10 %
Outline: 5%
First Draft: 10 %
Second Draft: 10 %
Introduction & Conclusion: 5 %
Final Draft: 20 %
Presentation: 5%
Response Papers: 15%
This includes take-home assignments, in-class writing, and quizzes.
Attendance & Participation: 10%
This includes attendance, promptness, participation in class discussions and group work, etc.
Plagiarism: Brooklyn College's statement on plagiarism is as follows:
The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy can be found at this site: http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bc/policies.
Non-attendance Because of Religious Beliefs: Brooklyn College’s statement on non-attendance because of religious belief is located on page 66 of the Brooklyn College Undergraduate Bulletin: http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/off_registrar/2017-2018_Undergraduate_Bulletin.pdf
Student Bereavement Policy: Brooklyn College’s statement on non-attendance because of religious belief is located here: http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/about/initiatives/policies/bereavement.php
Important Dates
NOTE: English 1012 is an Academic Foundations course. Brooklyn College’s policy on withdrawing from English 1012 is as follows:
Students are not permitted at any time to delete, drop, or withdraw from an assigned Academic Foundations course without obtaining permission of the academic department involved and consulting the Center for Academic Advisement and Student Success.
The full academic calendar, including many other important dates, and the undergraduate final exam “grid” are available on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
English 1012 – 39328 and 36902
T/TH 8:00 – 9:15 and 11-12:15
Room 3408 and 3154 Boylan Hall
Instructor: Erica Roe
Office hours: T/TH 9:30-10:30, 2311 Boylan Hall, phone extension 3570
Tentative Course Schedule
Tuesday January 28th: Introduction to class: Integrating close reading and research. How do you read and write about literary texts? Looking at Leonora Carrington’s “The Debutant”
Thursday January 30th: Becoming a student; in-class diagnostic essay. Discussion of Sample research paper and NYtimes article on plagiarism.
Tuesday February 4th: Discussion of Frederick Douglass’ “Learning to Read and Write”
Thursday February 6th: Discussion of “The Relation of the Poet to Day-Dreaming” by Sigmund Freud
Plagiarism Certificate due: https://www.indiana.edu/~academy/firstPrinciples/index.html
Tuesday February 11th: Discussion of “Town of Cats” By Haruki Murakami and “Haruki Murakami Remembers his Father”
Thursday February 13th: Discussion of “The Book of the Dead” by Edwige Danticat.
Brief reading response #1 due
Tuesday February 18th: Discussion of “Metamorphosis” By Franz Kafka
Thursday February 20th: Discussion of “Metamorphosis” By Franz Kafka.
Brief reading response #2 due
Tuesday February 25th: Research Paper Module 1: Mapping out your project. Important dates for research paper assignment handed out.
Thursday February 27th: Discussion of “Kitty” by Paul Bowles.
Topic proposals due.
Tuesday March 3rd: Discussion of “The Lady in the Looking-Glass” by Virginia Woolf .
Thursday March 5th: Library Visit meeting in room 120. Brief reading response #3 due
Tuesday March 10th: Research Paper Module 2: What is the difference between primary and secondary sources? What are acceptable sources? What are acceptable search engines? What are the students’ search terms? What is an annotated bibliography?
Thursday March 12th: Discussion of “Real Women have Bodies” by Carmen Machado. Annotated Bibliography Due
Tuesday March 17th: Research Module 3: What is a tentative thesis statement? How can students use tentative thesis statements to organize their research and writing? What does an outline look like? How do thesis statements and outlines change across multiple drafts? How can students begin to explore the “so what?” question?
Thursday March 19th: Student presentations. Outline and tentative thesis statement due
Tuesday March 24th: Discussion of “Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams” By Sylvia Plath
Thursday March 26th: First draft part 1 due (pages 1-3, not including introduction)
Tuesday March 31st: Discussion of “Violence and Time” by Cathy Caruth
Thursday April 2nd: Discussion of “How to Tell a True War Story” by Tim O’Brien
Spring Break
Tuesday April 7th: Follow a Wednesday schedule
Thursday April 9th: No Class
Tuesday April 14th: No Class
Thursday April 16th: No Class
Tuesday April 21st: First draft part 2 due (pages 1-6, not including conclusion) Peer revision workshop
Thursday April 23rd: Discussion of “Bartleby the Scrivener” by Herman Melville
Tuesday April 28th: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Thursday April 30th: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Tuesday May 5th: Introduction and conclusion due
Thursday May 7th: In-class Peer Revision workshop
Tuesday May 12th: In-class Revision Workshop
Thursday May 14th: In-class Revision Workshop
Last day to hand in any work including peer review and marked first drafts to be read with your Final Research Paper due via BlackBoard on Tuesday May 19th by noon