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New Media Center: Woody Tanger

Second Floor

Woody Tanger

The Woody Tanger Auditorium is located on the 1st Floor of the Library. It seats 144 people, with 138 of the seats being built-in tablet armchairs and 5 wheel-chair stations. It contains equipment such as Blu-Ray, Computer, DVD, Overhead Projector, Podium Microphone, and setup for Powerpoint Presentation. Additionally, the Woody Tanger includes features such as recording and streaming. The computer on the podium also has access to Zoom.



  • No food and drinks allowed.
  • There are 6 reservation limits per faculty/staff, per semester. 
  • All special equipment or requests must be arranged at least 24 hours in advance with the New Media Center (NMC).
  • Any requests for streaming and recording must be made at least 2 weeks in advance.


NMC Staff will only open the room to the host and they must be in attendance at all times. The host will be responsible for the room. 

Please call x5327 to have the room open and notify staff to be closed after the event is completed.