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ENGL 2301: Creative Writing: Week 2

A course of Prof. Michelle Radtke

About Week 2: Beginnings: Exploring ideas: Memory: Outline or Organic? 

Week 2: Beginnings: Exploring ideas: Memory and the Subconcious: Outline or Organic? 


Janet Frame, “My Last Story.”

Chimamanda Adiche, “Real Food.”

Shirley Jackson, “Memory and Delusion.”

James Wood, How Fiction Works p. 3-11, p. 223-228, and p. 247-248

Watch: “Memory” The Mind Explained, Netflix

Reading post due: Tuesday, 2/9, 11:59pm

Peer response due: Wednesday, 2/10, 11:59pm

Meeting: Thursday 2/11, 11:00am – 12:15pm

Assignment due: Assignment 1b due Thursday 2/11, 11:00am