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ENGL 2301: Creative Writing: Course Information

A course of Prof. Michelle Radtke

Course Information

English 2301
Spring 2021
Tues and Th: 11:00-12:15
Remote: Blended Synchronous/Asynchronous

Instructor: Michelle Radtke
Phone: 917 846 3875
Office Hours: Thursday 12:15-1:1

Downloadable Syllabus

Course Materials and Resources

  1. Texts and Materials

  • Course Packet
  • A notebook for writing

Online Course Organization and Structure

Our class site is on Blackboard.  Please log into the CUNY Blackboard site with your CUNYFirst information.  You will see the course listed on the left side of the homepage. Our course site has course information, and documents, a folder for the submission of assignments, and your grades.

Organization of Our Course Site on Blackboard

  • Announcements:  Every Monday I will write a class announcement which will appear in this folder. The announcement will be a class newsletter, and will include reminders about meetings, upcoming due dates and so on. I will be guiding through our course each week via these announcements, so don’t panic! You are not on your own.

  • Syllabus:  This is where the most important document for this class lives. This syllabus contains the answer to every question you might have about the course. It also contains links to our weekly readings. The link will redirect you to our class Libguides site, where all of the readings for this course are stored. There will be updates to the syllabus throughout the semester, so make sure you are always using the most current version.

  • Course Documents: Inside this folder you will find additional resources– including podcasts, videos, checklists and additional reading.

  • Assignments: Here you will find your assignment. Each assignment includes a description, a due date and grading rubric. You will the assignments in through the relevant assignment page.

  • Discussion Boards: These include forums for Introductions, Course Q & A, Weekly Readings and Weekly Workshop Feedback.

Structure of the Course and Meetings

  • Announcements: On Mondays, as described above, I will post an announcement for the week. There may be additional announcements through the week, so check in frequently!

  • Synchronous meetings: We will meet synchronously in our regularly scheduled class time every Thursday. We will discuss the readings, craft, and we will do in-class writing exercises. I will post Zoom information in the Announcements on our Blackboard site.

  • Asynchronous/self-paced work: This work consists of weekly reading, or watching and listening to podcasts and films, and participating on our Discussion Board. You will post your own thoughts on the board, and you will then respond to at least one post made by a classmate. You will also read and post your weekly critiques of the class writing.

Post your reading response to discussion board due Tuesday by 11:59 pm

Respond to a classmate’s post by Wednesday 11:59 pm

Workshop critique due Wednesdays by 11:59 pm

Post your workshop story on Blackboard due Thursday by 11:59 pm

Office Hours

My office hours for this class will be right after our Thursday class at 12:15-1:15 pm. If you would like to see me in office hours, just let me know in advance and we can speak via Zoom, Skype or if you would rather, over the phone.

Extra Help

If you need extra help with mechanics outside class make an appointment for free tutoring at the BC Learning Center.

Course Policies


Important Brooklyn College Policies

  • Plagiarism: Brooklyn College's statement on plagiarism is as follows:

The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy can be found at this site:

  • Non-attendance Because of Religious Beliefs: Brooklyn College’s statement on non-attendance because of religious belief is located on page 66 of the Brooklyn College Undergraduate Bulletin:

  • Student Bereavement Policy: Brooklyn College’s statement on non-attendance because of religious belief is located here:


I love working with all of my students, and I must emphasize that the success of the class largely on how well we communicate. This is especially true in the remote learning circus we are currently navigating. The priorities for this class are that you learn, that you are able to participate and do your best, and that the learning experiences is at least somewhat enjoyable. If your circumstances, either currently, or unexpectedly in the future, prevent you from working, I encourage you to let me know so I can make accommodations. My rules are always subject to my discretion (except plagiarism. Don’t plagiarize!).

Attendance and promptness 

You should be present for every class. You may be absent up to 3 times without penalty; the next 2 absences will each lower your final grade by half a letter. Given your easy commute this semester, I expect you to be on time. Three late arrivals equal one absence, and a pattern of lateness will affect your grade negatively.  Arriving more than 20 minutes late counts as an absence.


I want you to be alert, responsive, and respectful of your fellow students. Listening and thinking about the work of others are significant components of your participation grade in this class. Zoom class works better when we can see each other, so please, if you are able to, turn on your cameras. I am shy and I understand the reluctance, and resistance, when it comes to Zoom, however it helps me to remind myself that most people spend the session looking at themselves!

Late Work

Late assignments lower your grade, and I cannot accept any assignments more than a week late.



Your grade will be determined as follows:

  • 50% of your grade will be based on your writing, and the genuineness of your effort to improve your own work through the drafting and revision process, the quality of your six writing assignments, and your in-class journaling as follows:

    1. Writing Assignments

You will complete six short writing assignments. Please note that the length requirement given for each of these assignments is strict. I will not read beyond the allotted pages, as I am interested in quality over quantity.

    1. Writing journal

You should handwrite in your dedicated notebook for writing

    1. Final piece

This will be due on the last day of class on Blackboard. It will be a developed piece of writing and will spring from one of your writing assignments, or class exercises. It should be workshopped, revised and expanded based on the critical feedback from the class. It must be polished and mechanically perfect, and 5 – 10 pages long.

  • 50% of your grade will be based on your participation and the generosity of your contribution. This includes your consideration of, and attention to, the discussion of the work of others’ (published and not), your engagement in class discussions, and your response to the readings as follows:

  1. A Mini-workshops

You will share your writing with your classmates. At the beginning of the semester, you will sign up for a date for your work to be read and critiqued by the class. You will have at least two opportunities to do this over the semester Your classmates will respond with a minimum of one paragraph of critical and constructive feedback.   

  1. Readings

There will be assigned readings, each relevant to weekly themes. Be sure to read and notate these works thoughtfully in preparation for our Zoom classes, and post a response to them in the discussion forum on Blackboard.

  1. Attendance and class participation