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CASD 7317X/CBSE 7685T Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: Image Attributions and Bibliography

Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders, Professor Susan Longtin

About Attributions

The makers of this site are committed to compliance with copyright regulations and have attempted to make use of images and documents within the public domain, the Creative Commons, or Fair Use. If you feel that our usage of your authored resource violates your rights in any way, please contact us regarding your concerns.

Image Attributions


Montage for "Historical Perspectives: Photograph of Bruno Bettleheim, n.d. Jewish Currents. March 12, 2016.

Photograph of Hans Asperger: Actual Medicina Blog

Photograph of Leo Kanner: Autismo Amor Blog

Image for Core and Co-morbid characteristics: Brain Model with Regions of Interest Highlighted, Science Daily, University of Warwick.

Image for "Across the Lifespan: "Stages of Human Life,"ThingLink

Image for Theoretical Models: Detail from "Elijah's Cup" cover, by Vanessa Paradiz, Sharron M. Loree. Front Cover of Elijah’s Cup, 2007.

Image for ASD Identity and Culture. Iris Grace. Explosions of Color. Giclee Print.

Historical Perspectives

Images for Timeline:

Image for Early Examples: Victor of Aveyron from Front cover of book from 1801

Image for 1940's: Photograph of Hans Asperger: Actual Medicina Blog; Photograph of Leo Kanner: Autismo Amor Blog

Image for 1950's: Photograph of Bruno Bettleheim, n.d. Jewish Currents. March 12, 2016.

Image for 1960's: Image from Papers of Lauretta Bender

Image for 1980's: Lorna Wing  at the National Autistic Society Meeting.

Image for 1990's: Graph of Autism Prevalence, from: “Autism Prevalence on the Rise.” What Is Causing the Increase in Autism Prevalence?, October 22, 2010.

Image for 2000's: High Functioning Autism Assessment Graph: Social Anxiety Support Blog.

Images for Unit Reading:

Sally Ozonoff: Photo of Sally Ozonoff from faculty profile page at UC Davis

Front cover, Handbook on autism and pervasive developmental disorders, fourth edition

Images for Autism at 70

Autism Speaks Logo

New England Journal of Medicine logo

Image for Marguerite Elisofson Blog:


Core and Co-Morbid Features

Image for: DSM IV to DSM V: Figure 2 From: J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 May 1.

Image for Diagnostic Frameworks: detail of above.

Image for IC10-IC 11: Logo, IC10

Image for "The AQ Test." High Functioning Autism Assessment Graph: Social Anxiety Support Blog.

Co-Morbid Features

Image for "Medical." Detail, Front Cover, Medical Comorbidities in Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Image for Savant Skills: the Savant Syndrome: Logo, National Center for Biotechnical Information

Image for Challenging Behaviors: Logo: Interactive Autism Network

Image for Anxiety and Depression: Logo, National Center for Biotechnical Information

Image for Class Readings: Volkmar & Wiesner A Practical Guide to Autism, front cover.

Theoretical Models

Image for Unit III Reading: Front cover, Handbook on autism and pervasive developmental disorders, fourth edition

Image for Etiologies: Illustration: Major Brain Structures Implicated in Autism

Image for Theory of Mind: Image From: What Blame can tell us about Autism, Sci-Tech News

Image for Executive Functioning:

Image for Central Coherence: Image from Neurological Treatment, Weak Central Coherence in Autism.

Image for Mirror Neurons: Do Mirror Neurons Help Create Social Understanding? Psychology Today.


Image for Class Readings: Volkmar & Wiesner A Practical Guide to Autism, front cover.

Image for Causes of Autism: Illustration: Major Brain Structures Implicated in Autism

Logo: National Institute of Neurological Disorders: NIH

Theory of Mind: Image for Theory of Mind: From: What Blame can tell us about Autism, Sci-Tech News

​Francesca Happe: Photo of Francesca Happe, Wikimedia Commons

Executive Functioning: Image for Executive Functioning:

Image for 5 Strategies: Autism Symptoms.

Image for Autism Encyclopedia, Front Cover, Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Weak Central Coherence:
Image for Central Coherence: Image from Neurological Treatment, Weak Central Coherence in Autism.
Image for Autism Encyclopedia, Front Cover, Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Mirror Neurons​:

Image for Mirror Neurons: Do Mirror Neurons Help Create Social Understanding? Psychology Today.

Image for Autism Encyclopedia, Front Cover, Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Across the Lifespan

Image for "Across the Lifespan: "Stages of Human Life,"ThingLink

Image for Unit Reading: Front cover, Handbook on autism and pervasive developmental disorders, fourth edition


Image for Unit Reading: Front cover, Handbook on autism and pervasive developmental disorders, fourth edition

Images for Magazines on Autism:

Logo, University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Logo, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Adolescence and Young Adulthood

Images for Autism Organizations for Young Adults

ASTEP: Autism Syndrome Training and Employment Program

Images for Autism and the Law

Marguerite Elisofson Blog:

Front Cover of The Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law

Images for Magazines on Autism

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Middle to Later Years

Images for Books on Autism in Mid and Later Life

Paradiz and Wright: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mid and Later Life                               

Photo of Temple Grandin: Exploring Temple Grandin's Brain, Discover Magazine

Judy Endow: Painting, "Look Me In the Eye."

Image for Oral Histories at NYPL


Working with Familes

Images for Later Years of Kim Peek

New York Times Logo

National Professional Resources, Inc. Logo

ASD Identity and Culture

Image for Unit V Reading: Front Cover of "More Than a Passing Grade.": Detail from front cover art of 

Image for Our Voice: Logo, Our Voice (Scanned detail from original Autism Network International newsletter, Our Voice, Volume 1, Number 3, 1993).

Image for Autistic Self Advocacy: Logo, Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN)

Image for Neurotribes: Front Cover, Neurotribes

Image for The Autism Blog: Logo, Seattle Children's Hospital

Images for Barry Prizant:

Front Cover, "Uniquely Human."

Photograph, Elaine Hall

Gender Issues

Images for Autism and Gender:

NCBI Logo: National Center for Biotechnical Information

Logo, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Image for Transgender Population and AS: Uncovering The Connection Between Autism And Gender Dysphoria 

Image for Marguerite Elisofson Blog:

Image for Females on the Spectrum, Huffington Post

Famous People with Autism

Image for Famous People with Autism-Aspergers: Photgraph, Albert Einstein, Pictures of Albert Einstein, University of Frankfurt


This bibliography is under construction.

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Special thanks to the CUNY Office of Academic Affairs, the CUNY Office of Library Services, Brooklyn College Administration and Professor Miriam Deutch, Coordinator, Brooklyn College Open Educational Resources Initiative. Site design and formatting by Emily Fairey, OER Developer.