Survey of television and radio criticism. Influence of the medium and of individual programs on American Society. Writing-intensive course.
Prerequisites: Television, Radio and Emerging Media 3841 or 3824 [24.1] or 3951 [25.1] or 3861 [26.1], or 3871 [27.1] or permission of the chairperson; English *1012 [2].
Online Class Meetings:
Platform: Blackboard
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 11:50 – 1:35 after Zoom Meetings
This is a cost-free, OER (Open Educational Resources) course. All readings for this course will be posted on Bb/Course Documents. Other readings and viewings will be assigned to individuals for their final project research.
Professor: George Rodman
Unless otherwise noted, this TREM 1165 Open Educational Resource (OER) was curated by Professor George Rodman for Brooklyn College in 2021 and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. [Detailed license and acknowledgements]