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TREM 3223 / PHIL 3319: Ethical Issues in the Electronic Mass Media: Home

Professor Rodman, Fall 2020

Course Overview for TREM 3223 Ethical Issues in the Electronic Mass Media

  • This is a fully online course. Live Zoom lectures will be presented each Monday at 3:40pm.
  • All lectures will be recorded for subsequent access on YouTube.
  • All course material will be posted on BB/Course Materials.
  • These are Open Educational Resources (OER) and are available at no cost to the student.
  • You must have access to email, Blackboard, and Zoom.
  • Please check your email on BC WebCentral/My Info to make sure that the email addresses you have listed there are those that you access regularly.

Zoom Lecture Times: 3:40pm

Zoom Lecture Dates:   8/31, 9/14, 9/21, 9/29 (Tuesday), 10/5, 10/14 (Wednesday), 10/19, 10/26, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 11/30, 12/7 and 12/14.


Professor: George Rodman
Office Hours:  Online and call-in, Monday – Friday, 11 - 3
(e-mail is always the best way to contact me)

In person:  By appointment, 406S Whitehead
Mailbox: 304 Whitehead, TREM Office
Phone: 718.951.5600 ext. 2792

Full Course OER on Blackboard