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PRLS 3340: Critical Research Methods in Puerto Rican & LatinX Studies (Ortíz-Minaya): Recommended

Prof. Ortíz-Minaya

Recommended Reading

  • Domhoff, William G. 2010. Who Rules America? The Triumph of the Corporate Rich. New York, NY: Mc Graw Hill.

Recommended Readings

  1. Acuña, Rodolfo. (1972). Occupied America: The Chicano’s Struggle Toward Liberation. San Francisco: Canfield Press.Google Scholar

  2. Aguirre, A. (1988). Code Switching, Intuitive Knowledge, and the Bilingual Classroom. In H. Garcia & R. Chavez (Eds.), Ethnolinguistic Issues in Education (pp. 28–38). Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.Google Scholar

  3. Alarcón, Norma. (1993). Chicana Critical Issues. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press.Google Scholar

  4. Alba, Richard, & Nee, Victor. (2003). Remaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary Immigration. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.Google Scholar

  5. Almaguer, Tomas. (1994). Racial Fault Lines. Berkeley: University of California Press.Google Scholar

  6. Anzaldúa, Gloria. (1990). Haciendo Caras/Making Face, Making Soul: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Press.Google Scholar

  7. Blauner, Robert. (1972). Racial Opression in America. New York: Harper & Row.Google Scholar

  8. Bonilla, F., & Girling, R. (Eds.). (1973). Structures of Dependency. Stanford, CA: Stanford Institute of Politics.Google Scholar

  9. Borjas, George J., & Tienda, Marta (Eds.). (1985). Hispanics in the U.S. Economy. Orlando, FL: Academic Press.Google Scholar

  10. Burns, Allen. (2000). Indiantown, Florida: The Maya Diaspora and Applied Anthropology. In James Loucky & Marilyn M. Moors (Eds.), The Maya Diaspora: Guatemalan Roots, New American Lives (pp. 152–171). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.Google Scholar

  11. Calavita, Kitty. (1992). Inside the State: The Bracero Program, Immigration, and the I.N.S. New York: Routledge.Google Scholar

  12. Chavez, Leo. (1992). Shadowed Lives: Undocumented Immigrants in American Society. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich College Publishers.Google Scholar

  13. Chenault, Lawrence. (1938). The Puerto Rican Migrant in New York City. New York: Russell & Russell.Google Scholar

  14. Cordero-Guzmán, Héctor, Smith, Robert C., & Grosfoguel, Ramón. (2001). Migration, Transnationalization, and Race in a Changing New York. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.Google Scholar

  15. Dougherty, Jon E. (2004). Illegals: The Immigrant Threat Posed by Our Unsecured U.S.-Mexico Border. Nashville, TN: WND Books.Google Scholar

  16. Ebaugh, Helen Rose, & Chafetz, Janet Saltzman. (2000). Religion and the New Immigrants: Continuities and Adaptations in Immigrant Congregations. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.Google Scholar

  17. Eckstein, Barbara (Ed.). (2001). Power and Popular Protest: Latin American Social Movements. Berkeley: University of California Press.Google Scholar

  18. Freeman, Gulnur, & Lethbridge-Cejku, Margaret. (2006). Access to Health Care Among Hispanic or Latino Women: United States, 2000–2002. Advanced Data from Vital and Health Statistics, 368, Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.Google Scholar

  19. Galarza, Ernesto, Gallegos, Herman, & Samora, Julian. (1969). Mexican-Americans in the Southwest. Santa Barbara, CA: McNally and Loftin.Google Scholar

  20. Gamio, Manuel. (1931). The Mexican Immigrant, His Life Story. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Google Scholar

  21. Garcia, Alma, & Garcia, Mario (Eds.). (1997). Chicana Feminist Thought: The Basic Historical Writings. New York: Routledge.Google Scholar

  22. Garcia, F. Chris (Ed.). (1974). La Causa Política: A Chicano Politics Reader. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.Google Scholar

  23. García Canclini, Néstor. (1995). Hybrid Cultures: Strategies for Entering and Leaving Modernity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.Google Scholar

  24. Giddens, Anthony. (1979). Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure, and Contradictions in Social Analysis. Berkeley: University of California Press.Google Scholar

  25. Glick Schiller, Nina, Basch, Linda, & Blanc, Cristina Szanton (Eds.). (1992). Towards a Transnational Perspective on Migration. New York: New York Academy of Sciences.Google Scholar

  26. Gómez-Quiñones, Juan. (1990). Chicano Politics: Reality and Promise, 1940–1990. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.Google Scholar

  27. Gonzalez, Gilbert G., & Fernandez, Raul A. (2003). A Century of Chicano History: Empire, Nations, and Migration. New York: Routledge.Google Scholar

  28. Gordon, Milton. (1964). Assimilation in American Life: The Role of Race, Religion, and National Origins. New York: Oxford University Press.Google Scholar

  29. Gouldner, Alvin Ward. (1970). The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology. New York: Basic Books.Google Scholar

  30. Grebler, Leo, Moore, Joan W., & Guzman, Ralph C. (1970). The Mexican-American People: The Nation’s Second Largest Minority. New York: The Free Press.Google Scholar

  31. Greenlees, Clyde S., & Saenz, Rogelio. (1999). Determinants of Employment of Recently Arrived Mexican Wives. International Migration Review, 33(2), 354–377.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

  32. Gutíerrez, David. (1995). Walls and Mirrors: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the Politics of Ethnicity. Berkeley: University of California Press.Google Scholar

  33. Hagan, Jacqueline Maria. (1994). Deciding to be Legal: A Maya Community in Houston. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.Google Scholar

  34. Hamilton, Nora, & Chinchilla, Norma Stoltz. (1991). Central American Migration: A Framework for Analysis. Latin American Research Review, 26(1), 75–110.Google Scholar

  35. Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette. (2001). Doméstica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence. Berkeley: University of California Press.Google Scholar

  36. Huntington, Samuel P. (2004). Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity. New York: Simon & Schuster.Google Scholar

  37. Kowarick, Lucio. (1994). Social Struggles and the City: The Case of São Paulo. New York: Monthly Review Press.Google Scholar

  38. Levitt, Peggy. (2001). The Transnational Villagers. Berkeley: University of California Press.Google Scholar

  39. Lomnitz, Larissa A. (1977). Networks and Marginality: Life in a Mexican Shantytown. New York: Academic Press.Google Scholar

  40. Lopez, Vera A., Roosa, Mark W., Tein, Jenn-Yun, & Dinh, Khanh T. (2004). Accounting for Anglo-Hispanic Differences in School Misbehavior. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 2(1/2), 27–46.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

  41. Mahler, Sarah J. (1995). American Dreaming: Immigrant Life on the Margins. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.Google Scholar

  42. Maldonado-Denis, Manuel. (1972). Puerto Rico: A Socio-historic Interpretation. New York: Random House.Google Scholar

  43. Marx, Karl. (1967). Capital, Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy. New York: International Publishers. (Original work published 1867).Google Scholar

  44. Mead, George Herbert. (1934). Mind, Self & Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Google Scholar

  45. Melendez, Edwin, Rodriguez, Clara, & Figueroa, Janis Barry (Eds.). (1991). Hispanics in the Labor Force: Issues and Policies. New York: Plenum Press.Google Scholar

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  55. Rodriguez, Nestor. (1996). The Battle for the Border: Notes on Autonomous Migration, Transnational Communities and the State. Social Justice, 23(3), 21–37.Google Scholar

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  60. Smith, Michael Peter. (2001). Transnational Urbanism: Locating Globalization. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.Google Scholar

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