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PRLS 2505 (Aja)
PRLS 2505: Latinxs in the Criminal Justice Complex (Aja)
Week 16: The Question of Reform, Defunding and Abolition
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PRLS 2505: Latinxs in the Criminal Justice Complex (Aja): Week 16: The Question of Reform, Defunding and Abolition
Prof. Aja's Fall 2020 OER
Weekly Readings Topics
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Week 1: Methodology and Populations
Week 2: Politics of Crime and the Birth of the Prison
Week 3: Criminology / LatinX Criminal Imaginary (pt 1)
Week 4: Criminology / LatinX Criminal Imaginary (pt 2)
Week 5: LatinX Youth and Criminal Justice (pt 1)
Week 6: Criminalization of Immigrant Families
Week 7: Gender, LGBTQ+, Criminal Justice
Week 8: Fight for Survival
Week 9: Student Presentations
Week 10: Crim-imigration / Bio-Politics of Gender
Week 11: Legal Apparatus-State Repression/Structural Violence
Week 12: “Gangs” & Bio-Politics of Data (pt 1)
Week 13: LatinX Youth and Criminal Justice (pt 2)
Week 14: “Gangs” & Bio-Politics of Data (pt 2)
Week 15: Crim-migration Law & Legacy and Culture of Resistance
Week 16: The Question of Reform, Defunding and Abolition
Week 16
The Question of Reform, Defunding and Abolition
‘We Never Even Saw the Sunlight:’ How DHS Uses Deportations to Undermine Sentencing Reform
Langarica, Monika. (2015, November 9)
‘We Never Even Saw the Sunlight:’ How DHS Uses Deportations to Undermine Sentencing Reform
Latino Rebels
The Case for Abolition,
Wilson Gilmore, Ruth. “The Case for Abolition”
Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police
Kaba, Mariame. “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police,” New York Times, June 6th, 2012.
Final Research Papers Due. Student Presentations.
Week 15: Crim-migration Law & Legacy and Culture of Resistance
Films/Documentaries >>