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PHIL 2101: Introduction to the Problems of Philosophy (Campos): Home

Professor Campos OER

Course Overview for PHIL 2101: Introduction to the Problems of Philosophy (Campos)

Is life worth living? Why? Or why not? What if the answer is 'maybe'? Why do we, human beings, struggle to answer this question? Why do we often answer by searching for the meaning of life? Why do we often say that a good life is happy or just or committed to doing what is good? Why do so many of us pursue wealth, fame, status or power instead?

In spite of all the ways in which our world is changing right now, these perennial questions of human living have become ever more relevant. Through the practice of philosophy, human beings investigate these questions in reasonable and sensible ways.

We will study major historical examples of Western philosophical inquiry into these questions, so that we can both

  1. learn about the intellectual history that has helped to shape some ways in which we view the world today and
  2. develop our own skills for careful and methodical philosophical inquiry.

Students will learn to ask philosophical questions like the ones above, to articulate their own answers, to read and understand the way some philosophers have answered them in the past, and to revise or develop their own views in response.

We will aim to create a community of inquiry into these questions which are central to human experience.

Course Lecture Times: 2:15 - 3:30 PM (only on scheduled days)

Course Lecture Days:   Monday and Wednesday

FYI: Synchronous lectures will be held on zoom. You will be sent zoom link.


Professor: Daniel Campos
Office: 3311 Boylan
Virtual Office Hours: M W 1:00 - 2:00 PM or by appointment
Course times: M W 2:15 - 3:30 PM, only on scheduled days
Virtual classroom location: Zoom (link will be provided)
Course site: Blackboard through CUNY
