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Library Locations: Group Study Rooms

Study Rooms

Group Study Rooms are the best place to study or work on small group projects with classmates or friends. These rooms seat several people and are outfitted with whiteboards and TV for your use. Markers, Erasers, and Dongles can be borrowed from the New Media Service Desk.

There are group study rooms on every floor of the Library. Room 134 (1st Floor) has adaptive equipment for people with disabilities which the key to it would be requested at the Circulation Desk (1st Floor).

(Study rooms on floors 2 through 4 are NOT available when the Library is First Floor Only access.)

Study rooms are on a first-come-first-serve basis and reservations are NOT allowed. There is a two-person minimum for group study rooms with six people being the maximum. Group study rooms are assigned for a 2-hour period.

  • Study rooms will be assigned to students on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • There can be no more than six people in a study room at a time.
  • You will need to present a valid ID and fill out the Study Room Form with your name, EMPLID, and phone number at the New Media Desk.
  • Everyone in the study room must sign in, even late arrivals.
  • Eating is not allowed in the study room.
  • There is a two-hour time limit in the study rooms. When your time has expired, if there is another group waiting for the room, you will be asked to leave the room.
  • After you leave a study room, there is a 30-minute wait period before you can borrow another study room.
  • If you are discovered breaking the rules you will be asked to leave the room.
  • Students from another CUNY are allowed to use the room as long as they have a BC student with them.

Private Space

If a private space is needed for interviews check out the Magner Career Center. If a private space is needed for online therapy sessions please see the Personal Counseling Services.


Study Room Accommodations:

  • No TV in rooms 310 and 315
  • 2nd Floor and 4th Floor study rooms all have a TV
  • No whiteboard in room 282
  • Small smart board in rooms 280 and 281
  • All other study rooms have large whiteboards


Behavior that is not allowed:

  • Eating in the study room
  • Bringing people in the room without signing in
  • Vaping or Smoking
  • Being too loud
  • Public Indecency

Note: Study Rooms are under 24-hour surveillance