Whether you are adding a new page or editing a page, there are several sections, located in different boxes, which you should be familiar with, on your page screen

Publish box (#1):
- "Save Draft" button: Save a draft copy of your page
- "Preview" button: Opens up preview in new window/tab
- Status, Visibility and Publish have default settings, to change select "edit" link
- Status: Set to "Draft"
- Visibility: Set to "Public"
- Publish: Set to "Immediately"
- "Publish" button: Publish page

Publish box expanded:
If you click on the "edit" links next to "Status", "Visibility" or "Publish immediately" you can change the defaults.
- Status: From the drop down menu select "Draft" or "Pending Review" to set "Save Draft" button action
- Visibility: Set page's visibility to: public, password protected or private.
- If you click "password" a pop-up box will appear where you can type in the password
- Publish: Set if you want the page to publish immediately, or if you want to set a future date and time.
Page Attributes (#2):
Parent: Use this section to decide where your page will be located on your site. Will it be a top level, main menu page (no parent) or will it be a sub-page, listed under another page.
- To make a top level page: use (no parent)
- To make a sub-page: from the drop down menu, highlight the page your current page should be located “underneath”
Template: Use this section to determine the template for this particular page
- Depending on the Theme being used for your site, there can be various types of templates
Order: Leave "0"
Feature Image (#3)
Would you like a featured image on your page? The featured image will be under the banner image for your site and above any written content. You can have different featured images on different pages. This is not the only way to add images to your pages or site.
Add Featured Image
- Click “Set featured image” link.
- In pop-up window choose “Upload Files” or “Media Library” tab
- Upload via drag and drop or search your computer files
- "Media Library" allows you to select an image already uploaded
- Accessibility: Make sure to give each image “Alt-text" (alternative text which describes the image for screen readers)

Edit or Update a Featured Image:
- Inside the "Featured Image" box you will see the current featured image
- Click on the image to edit or update it
- Selected image will have a check mark next to it
Attachment Details box:

- For ALL images make sure to add "alt-text"
- Making images and graphics "visible" to all users is one of the first principles of accessibility.
- The way you make your image visible to everyone is by adding "alternative text" or "alt-text".
- Adding alt-text to your images is an accessibility best practice.
- For people using screen readers or browsing speech-enabled websites alt-text can be read aloud or rendered as Braille.
- Alt-text gives the speech input software users the ability to put focus onto a button or linked image with a single voice command.
- Alt-text allows mobile users to turn images off to help with download speeds or limit data-roaming charges.
- You can also add /change alt-text when you add an image in a Rich Text/HTML.
- You can also add Title, Caption and “Alt-text” & Description
Discussion (#4):
Choose whether you want to allow users to make comments and if you want "trackbacks and pingbacks"
Slug (#5):
The slug is the place where you can create a user friendly URL.
Author (#6):
Select who you want listed as the author of the page/post. There can only be one author.
Formatting & Adding Media section (#7):
In the classic editor, you have a WYSISYG (what you see is what you get) editor.
Some important areas:
- To add a link click on the "link" icon.
- Make sure your link text is meaningful, DO NOT have a "click here" link or a "more" link
- When adding a numbered or bulleted list, use the built-in formatting, don't just type in numbers and tab over or type a bullet.
- Use the "Headings" and "Paragraph" built-in formatting, DO NOT just make text bold and larger to represent a header.
- To add images, audio, word docs and pdfs click on "Add Media"
NOTE: To embed a video you do not select "Add Media". You type url of the video on a single line with nothing else on the line and hit enter

Visual / Text / Page Builder (#8):
- By default the editor is set to the "Visual" editor.
- The "visual" editor is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor
- If you'd like to use code, select "Text" and you can see the html code and edit the code.
- To use the new "Guttenberg" block editor, select "Page Builder".