Academic Libraries of Brooklyn (ALB)
Brooklyn College is a member of the Academic Libraries of Brooklyn (ALB), an organization of eight Brooklyn-based college libraries. Students, faculty, and staff of any ALB institution are eligible to use and borrow materials of the other member libraries. Ask a Reference Librarian for a pass.
Restricted access. See a Brooklyn College Librarian
Restricted access. See a Brooklyn College Librarian
Manhattan Research Libraries Initiative (MaRLI)
The Manhattan Research Libraries Initiative (MaRLI) provides access to the collections of the research libraries at Columbia University, New York University and the New York Public Library.
CUNY faculty and PhD candidates who are also New York Public Library users can obtain borrowing privileges by demonstrating that they have exhausted the resources available through NYPL for their projects and need sustained access to the resources of the three institutions.
To register for MaRLI as an NYPL-affiliated user or for more information about the program, please see the MaRLI website.
The Brooklyn College Library belongs to METRO, a New York regional cooperative with over 250 member libraries, including most major research libraries in the area. For a membership directory, click here.
Thanks to METRO, the Brooklyn College Library can provide you with occasional on-site access to these collections when your research requires. In addition to the four public library systems in the region, some private libraries with specialized collections may be open to the public. Other libraries are open only under restricted circumstances with a referral from your campus library. There is an agreement among libraries to grant limited access to private collections for researchers who need materials not found in public institutions.
A METRO card referral in issued by a reference librarian for the use, at a private university such as NYU or Columbia, of a specific book or journal that is not attainable at CUNY, through ILL, or in the public library. Under another METRO agreement, under very special circumstances, a subject collection may be consulted for a short period. A METRO referral does not allow the borrowing of the material. The length of time that a researcher may utilize the material is determined by the host library. For policies of individual libraries, please consult the library's web site.