CLAS 3200/RELG 3030
Heroes, Gods, and Monsters: Classical Mythologies
Section MW11
Boylan 4129- MW 11:00am-12:15pm
Kevin Nobel - Office Hours: Wednesdays 12:30pm-2:30pm & by Appointment
2408 Boylan (Classics Department Office)
WEEK ONE: Defining Myth
Wednesday, August 28 – Background and General Information
WEEK TWO: Defining Myth (~45 pages)
Wednesday, September 4 – Segal, 1-9; Leeming, 3-9; Apuleius, Cupid and Psyche
WEEK THREE: Creation (~65 pages)
Monday, September 9 – Leeming, 11-31; Genesis 4; Hesiod, Theogony p. 3-33
Wednesday, September 11 – Leeming, 35-42; Hesiod, Works and Days p. 37-42
WEEK FOUR: Floods and Ecological Disasters (~90 pages)
Monday, September 16 – Ovid Metamorphoses 1; Norse Mythology, 19-41
Wednesday, September 18 – QUIZ: Creation Myths; Segal 10-29; Leeming, 43-55, 60-62; “Ojibwe Flood Myth”
WEEK FIVE: Interpretation of Myth (~80 pages)
Monday, September 23 – Ovid Metamorphoses 2; Segal, 30-48
Wednesday, September 25 – Ovid Metamorphoses 3
WEEK SIX: Interpretation of Myth (~30 pages)
Monday, September 30 – QUIZ: Flood Myths; Ovid Metamorphoses 4
WEEK SEVEN: The Gods (~100 pages)
Monday, October 7 – Leeming, 91-122; Ovid Metamorphoses 5
Wednesday, October 9 – Homeric Hymn 3: Apollo; 5: Aphrodite; and 19: Pan; Apollodorus Bibliotheca A1-F (p. 17-24); Leeming, 197-212 (optional)
WEEK EIGHT: Sacred Places (~100 pages)
Tuesday, October 15 – (MONDAY SCHEDULE) Homer, Odyssey 9-10; Leeming 64-75
Wednesday, October 16 – QUIZ: The Gods; Odyssey 11-12
WEEK NINE: Religion (~100 pages)
Monday, October 21 – Ovid Metamorphoses 6; Leeming 313-336; Segal 49-65
Wednesday, October 23 – Aeneid 6; “Coyote, Master of Death, True to Life,” in Sky Loom: Native American Myth, Story, and Song p. 169-183
WEEK TEN: Religion (~30 pages)
Monday, October 28 – Homeric Hymn 2: Demeter; Leeming 336-348
Wednesday, October 30 – Midterm Examination
WEEK ELEVEN: Archetypes (~100 pages)
Monday, November 4 – Leeming, 123-174
Wednesday, November 6 – Apollodorus Bibliotheca G1-J2; L1-N7 (p. 25-33; 45-57); Ovid Metamorphoses 7
WEEK TWELVE: Heroes (~95 pages)
Monday, November 11 – QUIZ: Archetypes; Segal 66-81; Epic of Gilgamesh, p. 1-15; Ovid Metamorphoses 8
Wednesday, November 13 – Apollodorus Bibliotheca K1-K21 (p.33-45); Ovid Metamorphoses 9
**First Writing Assignment Due Friday November 15 at midnight**
WEEK THIRTEEN: Heroes (~100 pages)
Monday, November 18 – Segal 82-99; Ovid Metamorphoses 10
Wednesday, November 20 – Leeming, 215-312 (read introductions, pick 3 from each section)
WEEK FOURTEEN: Heroes (~75 pages)
Monday, November 25 – Segal 100-111; Ovid Metamorphoses 11-12
WEEK FIFTEEN: War (~85 pages)
Monday, December 2 – QUIZ: Heroes; Ovid Metamorphoses 13; Theocritus Idyll 11; Presentations from Students
Wednesday, December 4 – Ovid Metamorphoses 14; Presentations
WEEK SIXTEEN: Myth and History (~75 pages)
Monday, December 9 – QUIZ: The Trojan War; Leeming 76-88; Segal 112-125; Presentations
Wednesday, December 11 – Ovid Metamorphoses 15; Presentations
Wednesday, December 18th – **Second Writing Assignment Due at midnight**