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CLAS 3200: Classical Mythologies: Prof. Nobel

Open Educational Resource (OER) created for the Classics 3200 sections

General Information and Syllabus

CLAS 3200/RELG 3030 

Heroes, Gods, and Monsters: Classical Mythologies

Section MW11

Boylan 4129- MW 11:00am-12:15pm

Kevin Nobel Office Hours: Wednesdays 12:30pm-2:30pm & by Appointment

         2408 Boylan (Classics Department Office)


Greek Readings

Roman Readings

Hebrew Readings

Norse Readings

Hindu Readings

Ancient Near East Readings

Readings from the Americas

Myth Theory


Schedule of Readings

WEEK ONE: Defining Myth 

Wednesday, August 28 – Background and General Information 


WEEK TWO: Defining Myth (~45 pages) 

Wednesday, September 4 – Segal, 1-9; Leeming, 3-9; Apuleius, Cupid and Psyche 


WEEK THREE: Creation (~65 pages) 

Monday, September 9 – Leeming, 11-31; Genesis 4; Hesiod, Theogony p. 3-33 

Wednesday, September 11 – Leeming, 35-42; Hesiod, Works and Days p. 37-42 


WEEK FOUR: Floods and Ecological Disasters (~90 pages) 

Monday, September 16 – Ovid Metamorphoses 1; Norse Mythology, 19-41 

Wednesday, September 18 – QUIZ: Creation Myths; Segal 10-29; Leeming, 43-55, 60-62; “Ojibwe Flood Myth” 


WEEK FIVE: Interpretation of Myth (~80 pages) 

Monday, September 23 – Ovid Metamorphoses 2; Segal, 30-48 

Wednesday, September 25 – Ovid Metamorphoses 3 


WEEK SIX: Interpretation of Myth (~30 pages) 

Monday, September 30 –  QUIZ: Flood Myths; Ovid Metamorphoses 4 


WEEK SEVEN: The Gods (~100 pages) 

Monday, October 7 – Leeming, 91-122; Ovid Metamorphoses 5   

Wednesday, October 9 – Homeric Hymn 3: Apollo; 5: Aphrodite; and 19: Pan; Apollodorus Bibliotheca A1-F (p. 17-24); Leeming, 197-212 (optional) 


WEEK EIGHT: Sacred Places (~100 pages) 

Tuesday, October 15 – (MONDAY SCHEDULE)  Homer, Odyssey 9-10; Leeming 64-75 

Wednesday, October 16 – QUIZ: The Gods; Odyssey 11-12 


WEEK NINE: Religion (~100 pages) 

Monday, October 21 – Ovid Metamorphoses 6; Leeming 313-336; Segal 49-65 

Wednesday, October 23 – Aeneid 6; “Coyote, Master of Death, True to Life,” in Sky Loom: Native American Myth, Story, and Song p. 169-183 


WEEK TEN: Religion (~30 pages) 

Monday, October 28 – Homeric Hymn 2: Demeter; Leeming 336-348 

Wednesday, October 30 – Midterm Examination 


WEEK ELEVEN: Archetypes (~100 pages) 

Monday, November 4 – Leeming, 123-174 

Wednesday, November 6 – Apollodorus Bibliotheca G1-J2; L1-N7 (p. 25-33; 45-57); Ovid Metamorphoses 7 


WEEK TWELVE: Heroes (~95 pages) 

Monday, November 11 – QUIZ: Archetypes; Segal 66-81; Epic of Gilgamesh, p. 1-15; Ovid Metamorphoses 8 

Wednesday, November 13 – Apollodorus Bibliotheca K1-K21 (p.33-45); Ovid Metamorphoses 9 


**First Writing Assignment Due Friday November 15 at midnight** 


WEEK THIRTEEN: Heroes (~100 pages) 

Monday, November 18 – Segal 82-99; Ovid Metamorphoses 10 

Wednesday, November 20 – Leeming, 215-312 (read introductions, pick 3 from each section) 


WEEK FOURTEEN: Heroes (~75 pages) 

Monday, November 25 – Segal 100-111; Ovid Metamorphoses 11-12 


WEEK FIFTEEN: War (~85 pages) 

Monday, December 2 – QUIZ: Heroes; Ovid Metamorphoses 13; Theocritus Idyll 11; Presentations from Students 

Wednesday, December 4 – Ovid Metamorphoses 14; Presentations 


WEEK SIXTEEN: Myth and History (~75 pages) 

Monday, December 9 – QUIZ: The Trojan War; Leeming 76-88; Segal 112-125; Presentations  

Wednesday, December 11 – Ovid Metamorphoses 15; Presentations 


Wednesday, December 18th –  **Second Writing Assignment Due at midnight**