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CASD 7337X Speech Sound Development and Disorders

Instructor Klara Marton OER

Connected speech-language sample analysis

Collect a 200-word connected speech-language sample from a child or an adult. Samples need to be audio- or video-recorded and phonemically transcribed prior to the following analysis and summary.

  1. Background information (age, gender, school/occupation, family status (in case of children: order of siblings; adults: number of people living together, number of children); a brief description of any atypical features in development.
  2. For children: identification and description of the child's developmental level of phonology;
    For adults: description of overall speech characteristics, including any atypical features
  3. Articulatory errors and/or phonological processes: summarized and categorized with an example for each error type
  4. Rate the person’s intelligibility on a scale from 1- 5 (1=highly unintelligible; 5=fully intelligible) and provide a rationale for your rating, give some examples from the sample
  5. Description of global impression regarding the participant’s overall language production, including phonology, vocabulary, morpho-syntax, and pragmatics.

Length of papers: maximum 3 pages, double spaced - to answer 1-5 + the transcribed speech-language sample.

Tuesday Class's due date:

Wednesday Class's due date:  10/07/2020


Choose one from the following options:

  1. Design a behavioral observation form to examine phonological development in 2-3-year old children. Try it out with two typically developing children. Write a summary, in which you discuss the outcomes (e.g., individual differences) and possible limitations of your form.
  2. Develop a preventive intervention program for a preschool child who is a late talker. The focus in your plan should be on phonological development.
  3. Plan a 45-minute lecture for elementary school teachers on the relationship between early phonological impairment and later literacy problems. Create slides (using power point) and a handout.
  4. Develop a written plan to assess a 4-year old bilingual child’s articulatory and phonological skills. How would you decide whether the child’s difficulty indicate a language difference or a language disorder? Describe errors that may result from language transfer
  5. Observe a clinician performing an assessment session with a child with phonological impairment (teletherapy or video recording). Identify the formal and informal assessment methods and provide a rationale for each. Describe some alternative tasks/tests that could have been used and provide a rationale for each.

Papers should be double-spaced, 4-5 pages in length, using APA style.

Tuesday Class's due date:

Wednesday Class's due date:  11/04/2020


  1. Select one important issue related to the assessment and intervention of speech sound disorders
  2. Identify your target population
  3. Write down four questions related to your specific topic. Choose questions that you would like to learn more about. Formulate questions that are not too broad or too narrow.
    • A broad question: What are the characteristics of speech sound disorders in multilingual children?
    • A narrow question:  Can children with hearing impairment perceive the /s/ sound?
  4. Collect research papers, handouts, blog entries, social media entries, videos, and any other material that will help you to answer your questions for your portfolio.
  5. Summarize your answer in maximum 2 double spaced pages/question with proper references, using APA style; total pages: maximum 8.

Tuesday Class's due date:

Wednesday Class's due date:  12/16/2020



  1. Article review – 1 critical remark/article - Blackboard Discussion board (weekly)
  2. Leading 1 article discussion with a partner