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Topic: Class and syllabus Introduction
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CASD 1114 Department Site: Topic: Class and syllabus Introduction
Survey of Speech, Language, & Hearing Disorders
Prof. Marin (Thurs 8:00-10:45am)
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Syllabus for Prof. Marin
Topic: Class and syllabus Introduction
Topic: Language Disorders
Topic: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Topic: Language & Literacy
Topic: AAC: Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Topic: Intellectual Disabilities
Topic: Hearing Loss
Topic: Hearing Loss (Film: Sound and Fury (Asynchronous)
Topic: Speech Sound Disorders
Topic: Fluency Disorders & Voice Disorders
Topic: Presentations and Final
Prof. Toson (Thurs 6:30-9:15pm)
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Syllabus for Prof. Toson
Topic: Introduction
Topic: Language Learning and Literacy
Topic: Language Disorders
Topic: Speech Sounds Disorders
Topic: Intellectual Disabilities
Topic: Fluency Disorders & Voice Disorders
Topic: Hearing Disorders (Film: Sound and Fury (Asynchronous)
Topic: Hearing Disorders (cont)
Topic: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Topic: AAC: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Prof. Marin's Syllabus and class Introduction Lecture Slides
Intro Lecture Slides 1-10
Intro Lecture Slides 11-20
Intro Lecture Slides 21-30
Intro Lecture Slides 31-42
Prof. Marin's Introduction Readings & In-Class Activities
ASHA. (n.d) "
What Is Speech? What Is Language
? (English)"
ASHA. (n.d)
¿Qué es el Lenguaje? ¿Qué es el Habla?
(en Español)
[American Speech-Language-Hearing Association]
James Brinton: SLP in Schools
(2013, Apr. 10) From:
[American Speech-Language-Hearing Association]
Learn About the CSD Professions: Speech-Language Pathology
Syllabus for Prof. Marin
Topic: Language Disorders >>