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ARTD 7820G: Video Art: Course Documents

ARTD 7820G: Video Art/Digital Art 1 by Jennifer McCoy

Software Tutorials

You can access thorough tech tutorials for Premiere an After Effects (and so much else!) using a Brooklyn Public Library card.


2. Click Start Here

3. Enter your BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY card number and PIN number

4. Search Premiere Essentials 2025

Downloadable Syllabus

Grading Policy

All work must be submitted for critique and/or grading on the date due. Late assignments will be graded down 1 letter grade. FINAL GRADES for this class will be based upon the following:

  • overall quality of assignments both in idea and execution (60%)
  • participation in class discussions and critiques (25%)
  • technical engagement and attendance (15%)

The grading of art assignments can be a subjective process. There are, however, guidelines which I will be using to determine grades:

  • A Student explored, researched, experimented, learned and was fully involved in the class and with all aspects of their work. They produced excellent work that was some of the best in class.
  • B Student satisfied assignments, but lacked full involvement and inspiration. Work was well-executed.
  • C Student satisfied assignments with some effort, but with problems in aesthetics, resolution, understanding of ideas, or satisfactory manipulation of the material. Work was adequate.
  • D Student turned in incomplete or poorly executed assignments. If completed, work had continuing execution problems.
  • F Student failed to turn in work or if it was turned in it was incomplete or very poorly executed. If completed, work was inadequate.

Course Materials

Please purchase removable storage media (either thumb drive or removable hard drive). You must bring your work to class each day. The computer lab has video cameras, but if you have your own you should feel free to use that. If you have a phone that shoots HDV, that is acceptable.

Premiere CS
• AfterEffects CS
• DragonFrame

Equipment Checkout

Equipment checkout is available for students who are currently enrolled in the following programs and courses:
Digital Art classes
PIMA program
MFA program
With exceptions equipment will not be leased out to students who are not enrolled in the aforementioned credentials. The maximum lease period for equipment checkout is 3 days.
There are two methods in which you can view and checkout available equipment:

METHOD 1. The equipment inventory and checkout requests can be made online on the Brooklyn College WebCentral Portal:
1. Login into your Brooklyn College WebCentral Portal account.
2. Click on the eServices tab at the top of the page.
3. Scroll down to find Student Transactions.
4. Under Student Transactions click on Equipment Reservation.
5. Once the equipment reservation page opens click on Art under the departmental listing.
6. Once on the Equipment Reservation page you will need to select the To and From dates you plan on leasing out equipment.
7. Below the lease dates you will be given an inventory of the equipment available during your reservation dates. Check in the items you will need.
8. After checking the items select the course you are checking out equipment for, alternatively you can fill in the Event / Reason box detailing why you are checking out the equipment.
9. Submit your equipment request and wait for the reservation approval via e-mail.
(approval e-mails will be sent to the e-mail address you provided in your personal information
tab on the Brooklyn College WebCentral Portal).
10. Pick up reserved equipment at Boylan 5203/5205 and sign the liability waiver.

METHOD 2. When checking out equipment from the Digital Art Labs in person you will
need the following credentials:
1. A Brooklyn College ID
2. An e-mail address (BC email or personal)
3. A phone number in case you need to be contacted.
*The equipment list is posted outside of 5203 the equipment room and is also available
via Brooklyn College WebCentral Portal.
*Students checking out equipment are responsible for the return of all leased items,
these items will be tested to ensure they are in working condition once returned. If a
piece of equipment is lost or damaged the student that checked out the equipment is
responsible for the replacement and/or repairs made to the item.

Texts and Other Resources

For additional research:

Roy Armes, On Video, New York: Routledge, 1988.
Barbara Abrash & Catherine Egan, eds., Mediating History: The MAP Guide to Independent Video, New York: New York University Press,1992.
Bad Object-Choices, eds., How Do I Look? Queer Film and Video, Seattle: Bay Press, 1991.
Coco Fusco, English is Broken Here: Notes on Cultural Fusion in The Americas, New York: The New Press, 1995.
---, The Bodies That Were Not Ours and Other Writings, New York: Routledge, 2001.
Roger Garcia, ed., Out of The Shadows: Asians in American Cinema, Locarno: Olivares/Locarno Film Festival, 2001.
Martha Gever, John Greyson, Pratibha Parmar, eds., Queer Looks: Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Film and Video, New York: Routledge, 1993.
Doug Hall and Sally Jo Fifer, eds., Illuminating Video: An Essential Guide to Video Art, New York/San Francisco: Aperture/BAVC, 1990.
Thomas Harding, The Video Activist Handbook, London & Chicago: Pluto Press, 1997.
Kate Horsfield and Lucas Hilderbrand, Feedback: The Video Data Bank Catalog of Video Art and Artist Interviews, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006.
Amelia Jones, ed., The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader, New York: Routledge, 2003.
Alexandra Juhasz, AIDS TV: Identity, Community, and Alternative Video, Durham: Duke University Press, 1995.
---, ed., Women of Vision: Histories in Feminist Film and Video, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001.
Kholeif, Omar, Moving Image, Cambridge, MIT Press, 2015.
Tanya Leighton, ed. Art and the Moving Image, A Critical Reader, TATE publishing, 2008
Russell Leong, ed., Moving The Image: Independent Asian Pacific American Media Arts, Los Angeles: UCLA Asian American Studies Center and Visual Communications,1991.
Laura U. Marks, The Skin of The Film: Intercultural Cinema, Embodiment, and the Senses, Durham: Duke University Press, 2000.
---, Touch: Sensuous Theory and Multisensory Media, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002.
Jose Munoz, Disidentification: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999.
Ira Schneider and Berl Korot, Video Art: An Anthology, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976.
Bill Viola, Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House: Writings 1973-1994, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995.