Health Information Translations provides education resources in multiple languages for health care professionals and others to use in their communities. Resources are easy to read and culturally appropriate.
The Tools for Health project offers a collection of materials about consumer rights and how to obtain language services in the 31 most-commonly spoken languages in Washington. The toolkit includes an “ISpeak” card for consumers to bring with them when seeking care which identifies the language they speak, and a “Know Your Rights” flyer to inform both consumers and providers regarding the use of interpreter services in healthcare settings.
Includes classes, tools, checklists, and guides for cultural competency, data, health resources in multiple languages, health information interpretation and translation and more
Community health worker outreach materials for a variety of populations including African Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Asian Americans/Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders, Filipino Americans, Vietnamese, Hispanics/Latinos. Recipes, flip charts, risk factor booklets and other tools are available.