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Nutrition Research Guide: Books

Finding Books

Use OneSearch to search for books at Brooklyn College Library (or all CUNY libraries by changing the dropdown menu in the search box to "CUNY" ).  If our copy of a book is checked out, you can have it delivered from another CUNY school by clicking the “Request a Copy” button.

Basic Search Types in the Catalog  (Click on Guided Search for advanced search options.)

All Fields
Search for your terms in the subject, title and author fields.
e.g.  obesity and children    Tip:Connect two or more keywords with AND.
e.g.   “community health services” and nutrition
e.g.  "our overweight children” and dalton            Tip:Find books with title and author as key terms.
                                                                   Tip: Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase.

Title begins with...            
Use when you know the exact title of a book.
e.g. why calories count
e.g. management of pediatric obesity and diabetes (not the management of pediatric obesity and diabetes)
        Tip:  Do not use initial articles (a, an, the, la, les etc.).

        Tip:  Type just the first words of a title, e.g.type in Community nutrition in action and this search returns Community nutrition in action: an entreprenueal apporach

Author, last name first...                            
Use when you do not have a book title, or you want to find other books written by an author.
e.g.  dimitri, carolyn                          Tip:Always type the author’s last name first.               
e.g.  boyle marie a.               
e.g.  American Dietetic Association

Subject begins with...        
Search the Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH) for your topic.  
e.g.  nutrition policy
e.g.  community health services—United States.  
e.g.  curie marie Tip: Use subject if you are looking for books about someone their work. Tip: If you do not know the exact subject heading, try keyword subject or ask a librarian.                                                         

Keyword title   
Search for your terms anywhere in the title. Placing quotes around key terms in the title of an item can help you locate it in OneSearch.
e.g. “china study”     e.g. macrobiotic              e.g. “food safety”
                                                      Tip:Use when you don’t know the exact title.   

Keyword subject
Search for your terms anywhere in the subject field.
e.g. vegetarian
e.g. food policy                           
e.g. nutrition and children
                                                Tip:Use when you don’t know what the subject terms are.