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LGBTQIA+ Studies: Statistics & Data

Statistics & Data

Gender Data Portal: the World Bank Group’s comprehensive source for the latest sex-disaggregated data and gender statistics covering demography, education, health, access to economic opportunities, public life and decision-making, and agency.

LGBTData: an open-access clearinghouse for the collection of sexual orientation & gender identity data and measures. This site provides knowledgeable analysis, commentary and expert "how to" information on gathering such data effectively in scientific surveys, questionnaires and studies. Collected/categorized here: numerous datasets and links to rich data sources essential to LGBT health research, researchers, students, advocates and anyone interested in scientific-based information about LGBT people and population

All Census Bureau demographic surveys collect information about same sex couples. The level of detail collected varies, as well as the availability of other characteristics of the partners. Researchers can find data from different surveys (American Community Survey, going back to 2000; Current Population Survey, going back to 1995; the Survey of Income and Program Participation, going back to 1996; and the Decennial Census (once every ten years; same sex data was collected beginning in 1990). Users can also find papers and presentations, tables, figures, and maps.