China and Japan; Africa, Europe/Asia and Persia
Sept 12
Empires in Asia: Ming and Xing China; Japan under Tokugawa; Korea. In this class, we will consider some of the more durable Empires in Asia including those of the Qing dynasty. We will reflect on some of the values that shaped Chinese political life and their significance in understanding regional political, social, and familial dynamics. Assignment: read in OER textbook chapter 2.3 (pp. 56–69). While you are reading the chapter (and preparing for class discussion), try to identify the main thesis (or main argument) of the chapter. If there is one, what is it and how do the editors support their evidence? What (do you think) are some of the implications of the textbook editors’ interpretations of Asian traditions and politics? |
Sept 14 |
Empires in Africa Assignment: Read on blackboard, in Shillington, History of Africa, pp. 198-201; read in your OER textbook chapters 3.1–3.3 (The Roots of African Trade; The Songhai Empire; The Swahili Coast); pp. 75 –97. Consider the variety of ethnic groups and historical experiences of people inhabiting different regions of Africa in early modernity. Think about how trade and cultural contacts with other regions shaped regional economies, as well as social and religious traditions. Do you see any overlap between these changes and those reviewed in other class meetings? Class film: watch episode 10 from the BBC, The History of Africa. Optional but strongly suggested reading: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/21/world/africa/benin-art-restitution-exhibition.html
Sept 19 |
Empires and Islam In this class we will consider the diversity of Islamic Empires and their roles in shaping the modern world. In preparing for class, consider what seems similar and different among the empires listed above. This class will consider society and religion in the Ottoman Empire; conflict and cooperation with Europe; the spread of Islam in Africa and the Indian Ocean. Assignment: read in your OER textbook: chapter 1.1 (pp. 35–56); chapter 4 (pp. 111-149). Also review the following: Concerning the Safavid Empire, review the text and images from the website of the Metropolitan Museum: https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/safa_2/hd_safa_2.htm; the text and images from the website of the Met Museum concerning the Mughal Empire: https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/mugh_2/hd_mugh_2.htm and the text and images from the website of the Met Museum concerning the Ottoman Empire (10-15 minutes) https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/grot/hd_grot.htm