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CASD 1114 Survey of Speech, Language & Hearing Disorders (Hanini)

Survey of Speech, Language & Hearing Disorders

Course Requirements

Grade will be determined as follows:

  • Attendance (5%)
  • Participation (5%)
  • 5 Discussion boards (15%)
  • 4 Quizzes (15%)
  • Case Study Project + Presentations (20%)
  • Midterm exam (20%)
  • Final exam (20%)
  • A 1 point extra credit question will be given in every quiz.


All assignments must be completed and turned in on time. Assignments handed in late will be marked down 5 points for each late day.

Course Components

Required for successful completion of course. Students must attend each class meeting throughout the semester.
Participation during the class discussion is highly encouraged and will be marked.
5 discussion boards assignments will be assigned during the semester. They will be based on the class lectures/slides, and/or other assigned readings during the course of study. Answers must not be taken from google search but from the lectures and readings given to students.
4 quizzes will be assigned throughout the semester. Quizzes will only be based on class lectures and will have multiple choice, fill in the blanks, and/or true or false questions. Each quiz will have a one point extra credit question that can be either multiple choice or fill in the blanks question. Quizzes are straight-forward and no tricky questions will be used.

For the final project, groups of students will be creating a case study project of their own. Students will have to choose a topic from the list below (or any other desired and related topics - upon approval from the professor). Topics must be approved by the instructor by Oct 19th, 2021. Students will discuss the following in their paper:

  1. definition, etiologies, and characteristics (including speech-language and communication) of the disorder. (1-2 pages).
  2. create a case of a school age child that has this disorder. Discuss the characteristics that they have and how that is affecting their school performance, socializing with others, their self-esteem, …, etc. (1 page).
  3. mention 3 things/professionals/exercises/goals, you as an educator, would recommend to this child, refer this child to, treat this child with, …, etc. (1 page).
  4. references from scholarly journals. (1 page).
  5. PowerPoint Presentations: each group will present their case project for 5-10 minutes. The presentation should focus on explaining the disorder and then presenting the case and the educator’s recommendations. The presenters should engage their audience by asking questions and bringing up discussion points. Powerpoints should be submitted by 5pm on the day of your presentation. (5-6 slides).

Midterm and Final

The exams will cover everything we have discussed in class before them. In studying, focus on the lectures (what I said plus what is on the lecture notes). Reading the assigned readings will help students prepare for the exams. The final exam will focus more on the materials we covered after the midterm. The exams will have multiple choices, matching, true/false, fill-in the blank, and short essay questions. Missing a test without receiving explicit verbal permission from me personally beforehand automatically drops your grade 10%, and makeup will be given only at my discretion and convenience, provided that there is a good and compelling reason for your absence. Sending me an email does not constitute receiving verbal permission unless I have responded to you. Review sheets will be given to students before each examination.

Grade Policy: Grades assigned during the course are as follows:x

Numerical grade Letter Grade
97-100 A+
93-96.99 A
90-92.99 A-
87-89.99 B+
83-86.99 B
80-82.99 B-
77-79.99 C+
73-76.99 C
70-72.99 C-
67-69.99 D+
63-66.99 D
60-62.99 D-
Below 59.99 F


Case Study Project Detailed Description

This paper should be written in Times New Roman, font 12, double spaced, and submitted as a pdf. References should be in APA format.

Topics- Suggestions:

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Apert Syndrome
  • Aphasia
  • Aphonia
  • Aspergers Syndrome
  • Autism
  • Bell's Palsy
  • Central Auditory Processing Disorder
  • CHARGE Syndrome
  • Childhood Apraxia
  • Cri du Chat Syndrome
  • Down's Syndrome
  • Dysarthria
  • Dyslexia
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  • Fluency Disorders
  • Fragile – X syndrome
  • Goldenhar Syndrome
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder
  • Rett Syndrome
  • Right Hemisphere Syndrome
  • Selective Mutism
  • Tourettes Syndrome
  • Usher Syndrome
  • Williams Syndrome

Academic Journals / Sources (can include but not limited to):

  • American Journal of Audiology
  • American Journal of Speech Language Pathology
  • Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research
  • Seminars in Speech and Language
  • The ASHA Leader
  • Topics in Language Disorders