Reviewing [will Update] Resources for Immigrant Students at CUNY: Guides about your rights
Professor Frans Albarillo curates this list of resources from past immigration events I attended at CUNY and around New York City. I chose local resources from CUNY and non-profit organizations with a focus on community-centered, DACA-mented and undocumen
CUNY Citizenship Now prepared a page to provide general information to immigrants and their families in New York on how to respond to immigration arrests.
If you are approached by federal immigration enforcement agents, such as ICE, be aware that you have rights. Download our fact sheet to learn more about what to do in an encounter with immigration enforcement.
From the New York City Comptroller's Office a comprehensive guide to many rights and services available to immigrants: Emergency contact resources for those fearing deportation; Legal and social service providers; Public benefit programs; Worker’s rights; Small business assistance; Consumer rights; and A range of other issues relevant to immigrants living in New York.
The New York Immigration Coalition provides this toolkit in English, Spanish, Chinese, Kreyol, Somali, Yoruba, Russian, Arabic, French, Korean, Urdu, Farsi and Swahili.