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HIST 3401 | American Pluralism to 1877: a Resource Guide: Creating Anglo-America, 1660–1750

This Guide offers copyright-free and open-access resources in American history, including maps, digitized primary resources, art and photography, and online textbooks.

Becoming American: the British Atlantic Colonies

(1) Lawrence Sully, Portrait of a Lady from S. Carolina Huguenot Family, ca. 1795. Smithsonian American Art Museum; (2) Unknown creator, Portrait of Catherina Elmendorf, 1752, detail. Metropolitan Museum of Art; (3) Samuel King, Portrait of Ezra Stiles, 1771, detail. Yale University Art Gallery; (4) John Valentine Haidt, Portrait of a Young Moravian Girl, ca. 1755-1760, detail. Smithsonian American Art Museum; (5) William Williams, Portrait of Benjamin Lay, 1750, detail. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Everything submitted to and included in this OER is believed to be in public domain or possesses creative commons licensing.