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SOCY 3505/HNSC 3505 Sociology of Public Health (Ferre): Readings and Calendar

Professor Juan Ferre's OER

Course Structure

  • This course is primarily a discussion seminar.
  • I expect you to read all assigned texts and participate in class discussions.
  • The course has 2 main parts: Social Determinants of Health and US Health Care System

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Topics Part 1 "Social Determinants of Health"

  1. Introduction
  2. Social Determinants of Health General Information
  3. Social Class and Health
  4. Gender Oppression and Its Impact on Health
  5. Abortion and Reproductive Rights Health
  6. Health Inequalities and Racial Oppression

Dates: August 27th to October 10th

1. Introduction (Part 1)

Date: August 27th

Introduction to course

Date: August 29th


2. Social Determinants: General (Part 1)

Date: September 3


Date: September 5th - No Class

Date: September 10


Date: September 12


3. Social Class and Health (Part 1)

Date: September 17


Date: September 19


4. Gender oppression and its impact on health (Part 1)

Date: September 24


Date: September 26


Date: October 1 No Class

5. Abortion and Reproductive Rights Health (Part 1)

Date: October 3


Date: October 8 No Class


6. Health Inequalities and Racial Oppression (Part 1)

Date: October 10


Topics Part 2 "US Health Care System"

  1. US healthcare system in comparative perspective
  2. Introduction to the Health care system: The Medical Industrial Complex
  3. How is health care financed?
  4. How is health care delivered?
  5. A look at private hospitals from inside
  6. Health care reform and its misgivings
  7. What is the deal with Medicare for All?
  8. Medicare-for-all Q & A.
  9. The Pharmaceutical Industry
  10. Health and Climate Change
  11. Research on health inequalities and class interest

Dates: October 15th to December 19th.

1. US healthcare system in comparative perspective (Part 2)

Date: October 15


Check out the "Multimedia" tab to hear interviews and watch videos on this topic.

Date:  October 17


Attribution: Moore, Michael "Sicko." Filmed 2007. 2hrs 4 minutes.

2. Introduction to the Health care system (Part 2)

Date: October 22


Date: October 24

Continue discussion from previous class.

3. How is health care financed? (Part 2)

Date: October 29



Attribution: [Politics and Prose] (2017, May 1) Elisabeth Rosenthal, "An American Sickness" [Video File]. Retrieved from

Date: October 31


4. How is health care delivered? (Part 2)

Date: November 5


5. A look at private hospitals from inside (Part 2)

Date: November 7


Date:  November 12 Mid-Term Exam

6. Health care reform and its misgivings (Part 2)

Date: November 14


Date:  November 19


See readings for next class

7. Medicare for All Q & Q (Part 2)

Date:  November 21

Presentation and discussion with Dr. Roona Ray


8. Medicare-for-all Q & A (Part 2)

Date: November 26

Debate: the politics of Medicare for All.

How the proposals by different Democratic candidates differ from each other.

What is at stake and what would be necessary to achieve Medicare for All.

Date: November 28 No Class

9. . The Pharmaceutical Industry (Part 2)

Date: December 3


Date: December 5

Field Trip

Visit the "Activists" Exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York

10. Health and Climate Change (Part 2)

Date: December 10

Movie: This changes everything

Full movie available at:

11. Research on health inequalities and class interest (Part 2)

Date: December 12

Date: December 17

Presentations and discussion on the Field Trip

Dates: December 19

Activity: Reflections & conclusions.