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Puerto Rican Migration and Montage Quotidien: Home

Puerto Rican Migration Then and Now Through the Lens of Contemporary Art, 1950-2019and Montage Quotidien: The Photographs of Máximo Rafael Colón. Thanks to Reynaldo Ortiz-Minaya and the Puerto Rican and Latino Studies Department of Brooklyn College

Maximo Colon


“As community activists we had to turn to visual imagery to capture the reality of our disenfranchisement in this society. We had to tell our own stories and honor our friends and families who were mischaracterized as depraved and criminals. We had to visualize our humanity and our empowerment." — Lillian Jiménez (filmmaker, educator, activist)

Biography of Máximo Rafael Colón

Born in Colon.Jorge Brandon, New York City, 1974Arecibo, Puerto Rico, Máximo Rafael Colón is a New York based photographer who studied at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Although his primary medium is analogue photography, Colón also creates assemblages. His works have been exhibited in several venues throughout New York City and Puerto Rico and a number of his photographs form part of the Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Colón’s work was prominently featured in ¡Presente! The Young Lords in New York at The Bronx Museum of the Arts, El Museo del Barrio, and The Loisaida Center in Manhattan. He is currently editing My Upside-down World: Deconstructing Photography, a five year digital project encompassing photographs from New York, Puerto Rico, Berlin, Mainz, Paris, Havana, and Toronto. His works can be found in numerous publications and are part of many private collections.

Spring 2019 Events

  • Thursday, February 7, 2019: 5-7 PM, Brooklyn College Library, Exhibition Opening for campus community.
  • Thursday, February 21, 2019: 3.45- 6 PM: Brooklyn College, Woody Tanger Auditorium: Film screening with filmmaker, lawyer, educator, and activist, Iris Morales on the documentary, “P’alante, Siempre P’alante!: The Young Lords” (1996).
  • Thursday, March 7, 2019: 5-7 PM: Brooklyn College Library, Exhibition Opening for larger NYC community.
  • Thursday, March 14, 2019, 2.15-4.30 PM: Brooklyn College, Woody Tanger Auditorium: Film screening with filmmaker and activist, Lillian Jiménez on documentary, “Antonia Pantoja, Presente!” (2009).
  • Thursday, March 28, 2019, 2.15-4.30 PM: Brooklyn College, Woody Tanger Auditorium: Artist Workshop: Máximo R. Colón: Photography and Social Justice, The Lens as a Weapon of the Oppressed.
  • Thursday, April 11, 2019, 2.15-4.30 PM: Brooklyn College, Woody Tanger Auditorium: The Puerto Rican People and the Struggle for Justice on the Island and in the United States, 1898-2019. An academic exchange with past and current leaders and scholars of the Puerto Rican community from both the Island and New York City.
  • Date to be determined: Special evening music ensemble of Latin/Puerto Rican jazz music hosted by the Brooklyn College Conservatory of Music.