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PSYC 1000 Introductory Psychology (Tran): Course Materials

Readings: Introduction & Psychology as a Science

Why Science? (online

By Edward Diener
Thinking like a psychology scientist (online)

By Erin I. Smith

Research Designs (online)

By Christie Napa Scollon

Conducting psychological research in the real world (online)

By Mattias R. Mehl

Psychophysiological Methods (online)

By Zachary Infantolino & Gregory A. Miller

Statistical Thinking (online)

By Beth Chance & Alan Rossman

History of Psychology (online)

By David Baker & Heather Sperry

Readings: Biological Basis of Behavior

Neurons (online)

By Sharon Furtak

The Brain and Nervous System (online)

By Robert Biswas-Diener

Hormones and Behavior (online)

By Randy J. Nelson

Evolutionary Theories in Psychology (online)

By David M. Buss

Epigenetics in Psychology (online)

By Ian Weaver

The Nature-Nurture Question (online)

By Eric Turkheimer

The Psychology of Human Sexuality (online)

By Don Lucas & Jennifer Fox

Readings: Sensation and Perception

Sensation and Perception (online)

By Adam John Priverta

Vision (online)

By Simona Buetti & Alejandro Lleras

Hearing (online)

By Andrew Oxenham

Taste & Smell (online)

By Linda Bartoshuk & Derek Snyder

Touch & Pain (online)

By Guro E. Løseth, Dan-Mikael Ellingson & Siri Leknes

Failures of awareness: The case of inattentional blindness (online)

By Daniel Simons

Readings: Development

Cognitive Development in Childhood (online)

By Robert Siegler

Social and Personality Development (online)

By Ross Thompson

Adolescent Development (online)

By Jennifer Lansford

Attachment Through Life Course (online)

By R. Chris Fraley

Emerging Adulthood (online)

By Jeffrey Jensen Arnett

Aging (online)

By Tara Queen & Jacqui Smith

Readings: Cognition and Language

Attention (online)

By Frances Friedrich

Judgement and Decision Making (online)

By Max H. Bazerman

Language and Language Use (online)

By Yoshihisa Kishima

Theory of Mind (online)

By Bertram Malle

Readings: Learning and Memory

Factors influencing learning (online)

By Aaron Benjamin

Conditioning and Learning (online)

By Mark E. Bouton

Memory (Encoding, Storage, Retrieval) (online)

By Kathleen McDermott & Henry Roediger III

Forgetting and Amnesia (online)

By Nicole Dudukovic & Brice Kuhl

Readings: Social

Social Cognition and Attitudes (online)

By Yanine Hess & Cynthia Pickett

Culture (online)

By Robert Biswas-Diener & Neil Thin

Social Comparison (online)

By Stephen Garcia & Arnor Halldorsson

Conformity and Obedience (online)

By Jerry M Burger

Prejudice, Discrimination, and Stereotyping (online)

By Susan T. Fiske

Attraction and Beauty (online)

By Robert G Franklin & Leslie Zebrowitz

Readings: Emotions and Motivation

Functions of Emotions (online)

By Hyisung Hwang & David Matsumoto

Emotion Experience and Well-Being (online)

By Brett Ford & Iris Mauss

Emotional Intelligence (online)

By Marc Brackett, Sarah Delaney & Peter Salovey

Motives and Goals (online)

By Ayelet Fishbach & Maferima Tourre-Tillery

Drive States (online)

By Sudeep Bhatia & George Lowenstein

Readings: Psychological Disorders

History of Mental Illness (online)

By Ingrid Farreras

Therapeutic Orientations (online)

By Hannah Boettcher, Stefan Hoffman, Q Jade Wu

Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (online)

By Deanna M. Barch

Anxiety and Related Disorders (online)

By David M. Barlow & Kristen Ellard 

Mood Disorders (online)

By Anda Gershon & Renee Thompson

Personality Disorders (online)

By Christina Crego & Thomas Widiger

Psychopharmacology (online)

By Susan Barron

Readings: Topic TBD

**Readings will be added once topic is chosen**

What information is on this page?

Course materials are organized by topics.  Each topic has readings, class slides and class recordings.

A reminder to come to class having read the chapters listed under each topic.  This will make the material stick more and help you engage by asking questions and participating in class discussions.

Recordings are cloud recordings from Zoom and will be added after class each week. Copy and paste the password exactly as it is case-sensitive!

Some documents on this site require Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download Acrobat Reader for free.

Class Slides: Psychology as a Science

Class slides: Sensation and Perception

Class slides: Cognition and Language

Class slides: Learning and Memory

Class slides: Social

Class slides: Emotions and Motivation

Class slides: Psychological Disorders