Username = your 8-digit CUNY EmpID
Password format = FLMM/DD/YY
FL = your CUNYfirst official First and Last initials (upper case)
MM/DD/YY = your 6-digit birthdate with the slashes "/ "
Example: If your name is Jalil Doe and your birthday is June 1, 1998, your password would be JD06/01/98
WiFi: Wireless devices may need to be configured to work with our wireless network. For help, visit the Library Reference Desk or the West End Building computer lab.
Printing: Double-sided printing is the default. For Single-sided printing, choose "LIB_SingleSide_BW" from printer dropdown list. In Microsoft Office, select "Print One Sided" under Settings.
Pro Tip! Download documents before printing in the Library.
Only the paper provided by the Library may be used in the copy machines. Students, faculty, and staff can use the fee-based services of the BC Copy Center, located in 0200 Boylan Hall, (718) 677-6166. BC Print Works has transparencies and colored paper. There are nearby commercial services that may offer specialized copy services as well. The closest is "Far Better Copy" on Hillel Place.
All currently enrolled Brooklyn College students receive a pre-funded black and white print balance.
Balances expire at the end of each semester.
Printing Costs:
Adding Funds: Patron Kiosks are located at the New Media Center desk on the 2nd floor and at the Circulation desk on the 1st floor in the Library.
You may sign into your print account at
PC, Android, and Surface laptops need to be configured for our WiFi. Please visit the Reference Desk on the Library 1st Floor or West End Building (WEB) for assistance.