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HNSC 4150 Techniques of Community Health Education: Syllabus

Course Description HNS 4150

Identification and analysis of various techniques, media and approaches used in community health education.

Pre-requisite:  15 credits in advanced course in the Department of Health and Nutrition Sciences.

Print Syllabus - HNS 4150

Course Objectives HNS 4150

At the end of the semester, students will be able to:

  • Identify historical perspectives of health education promotion movement and other key events in the US.
  • Describe the status of our nation’s health and identify issues that require serious attention and strategies in order to improve the level of health of our people.
  • Identify health disparities and strategies to achieve health equity.
  • Identify and describe the responsibilities of a health education specialist.
  • Identify the practice of health education and explain the need for health education/promotion programs.
  • Identify and explain selected health education theories and models.
  • Describe and analyze different techniques and strategies enhancing health education effectiveness
  • Understand the process of conducting health promotion programs
  • Identify and be familiar with health education/promotion effort in our community and society.

Course Schedule HNS 4150

Details about Semester Project: Health Fair (30pts/30%)

This is a group project to be implemented.
On 3/6: you need to choose your group members and choose a preliminary health topic.

We are planning to participate in the BC campus Health Fair in May.  Choose a health topic you would like to investigate, forming a group with 3-4 members.  Do research on your topic, preparing educational material for the health fair on your chosen health topic, and be a health educator at the health fair at your own booth/table.

On 3/6, you need to choose your group members and choose a preliminary health topic.

The grading system:

  1. Flyer (5 pts):  Make a flyer to advertise our health fair and your booth;
    • Post it at three different locations on campus, one week before the health fair.
    • Bring a hard copy to professor in class, one week before the health fair.
    • Please let the instructor know where on campus they are located.
  2. Educational material for the Fair (5 pts):  Each group needs to prepare at least five different educational materials of your topic, at least 40 copies each for the health fair.
    • Your group has to submit one copy of each material to me at least one week before the fair.
  3. Evaluate your OWN group members (5 pts) 
  4. Evaluate OTHER group's booths (10 pts): Evaluate quality of educational material displayed and quality of the educational interaction

  5. Summary Report (5 pts): Summarize your over all experience in 1-2 page report. This is an individual report.  i.e. each person has to submit his/her own report.)


Details about Survey project (10pts.)

You are to develop and implement a small survey on campus to investigate the health information needs of our BC students. (N=30, Questionnaire 10pts., Summary presentation 5pts.)

Details about Extra Credit Project (up to 6pts)

Extra Credit Student Health Club Project:
Students may also earn extra credit points (up to 8 pts.) by joining the Student Health Club of the Department of Health and Nutrition Sciences. Through the club, initiate a health program on campus (such as a workshop on different health issues). If you are interested, please discuss with the instructor during the FIRST TWO WEEKS of the semester.

Course Information

Academic Integrity:

The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. Here is the complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy. If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member is required to report the violation.

Center for Student Disability Services:

To receive disability-related academic accommodations students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or suspect they may have a disability should contact the Center and set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell at 718-951-5538. If you have already registered with the Center for Student Disability Services please provide your professor with the course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with the professor.

Non-Attendance Because of Religious Beliefs:

Brooklyn College complies with the New York State Education Law regarding non-attendance because of religious beliefs. For details see the Undergraduate Bulletin (pg. 66) or the Graduate Bulletin (pg. 42).

Other Important Notes to Remember

  1. It is expected that students participate in class and attend all classes.  The policy of excused and unexcused absences is outlined in the college catalog. No other absences will be excused beyond this policy. For details to the state law regarding non-attendance because of religious beliefs see the Undergraduate Bulletin (pg. 66) or the Graduate Bulletin
  2. Students are expected to follow strict professional conducts. (especially for the exam taking and written paper work, i.e. no cheating, no plagiarism of any kind, including your old work ) (See Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy)
  3. Students are responsible for obtaining materials covered on the day of an absence.
  4. Missed mid-term exam can be made up at the end of the semester on a designated day (To be announced).
  5. Students who are late to class and who leave class early may not receive full credit for class participation.
  6. “Inc” grade is given only when the assigned works were not completed due to  unavoidable circumstances and only when it is requested by the student.
  7. Missing an assignment “Due Date” may results in reduced points.

Course Grading Breakdown HNS 4150

Course grading broken down
Course Item Percentage Towards Grade
Exam 1 25%
Exam 2 25%
Semester Project: 30% + 10%
Participation/Attendance* 10%

* In order for you to receive the full credit of 10% participation, or in order to get the semester letter grade of "A-" or better, you need to submit all your assigned course work on time.

Letter Grading information

Letter grades will be given following the Brooklyn College recommended criteria.

Letter Grade Number Grade Equivalent
A+ 98-
A 91-97
A- 90
B+ 88-89
B 81-87
B- 80
C+ 78-79
C 71-77
C- 70
D+ 68-69
D 61-67
D- 60

"Curving" may take place, depending upon the total class grade distribution.

All your assignments need to be typed, double spaced, following the APA format. Use the Purdue OWL (online writing lab) for help with your citations.