The Faculty Lab maintains multiple high-capacity HP Laser printers (B&W and color) for use at no charge. Our printers output to 2 sizes: standard letter (8.5” x 11”), & legal (8.5” x 14”). We print on standard paper but welcome almost any specialized paper you would prefer to bring in & use.
Please consult with Faculty Lab Staff for assistance with any specialized print job.
For any LARGE print jobs, please be aware of our guidelines:
- Due to our limited hardware & resources, we must limit any requested large print jobs to:
- B/W Standard Letter/Legal - 500 pages max
- B/W Standard Letter/Legal Duplex - 250 pages max
- Color Standard Letter/Legal - 250 pages max
- Color Standard Letter/Legal Duplex - 150 pages max
The Faculty Lab also maintains two professional HP plotters, for large-format poster printing. We are able to print your posters for your class presentation or your department needs. Drop by with your poster in .PDF form, and at least ONE edge of the poster must measure either 24.0", 36.0" or 42.0" as these are the sizes of paper our plotters use.
- Staff will not make any design changes to your poster, including resizing or making it "fit" to our paper rolls as skewing is likely to occur. Feel free to use the Adobe software in our lab to edit the poster to our specifications.
- Need to print more than we can offer? Visit BC Printworks in Boylan Hall!

Class/Science Day Posters
Looking to have your students create posters as a final project or for Science Day? We can help! Simply follow these guidelines:
- Instruct your students to export & submit their posters to you as PDF only, no PowerPoint, Google Slides, etc.
- Posters must be sized to fit our rolls, either 24.0”, 36.0” or 42.0” exactly. Faculty Lab Staff will NOT make any design edits, including resizing.
- Class posters increase our turnaround time, so please plan on submitting your class’ posters to us at least 2 business days before they are due in class.
- Submit your class’ posters to us with the name of the student who will pick up the poster when ready & the posters’ size as the filename.
- Example: if submitting 4 posters to print, their filenames should look like this:
- Asa Don Dickinson (42x36).pdf
- Carol Danvers (42x30).pdf
- John Shepard (38x24).pdf
- Selina Kyle (48x42).pdf
- Students submit their posters to you, then you can submit them to us on USB in-person or via email or Dropbox link to
- Students should only come to the lab to pick up printed posters. Poster printing services are meant for BC faculty & adjuncts -- please do NOT send your students directly to the lab to print class posters.