Source: information taken from
Historical Statistics of the United States compiles over 37,000 data series from 1,000+ sources on topics like history, economics, sociology, education, law, and more. Each topic is contextualized by an expert. The electronic edition allows users to search, download, and graph data in various formats.
Data displayed on this site are a subset of those available in the World Bank’s DataBank, which contains extensive collections of time series data. The DataBank has advanced functions for selecting and slicing the datasets, performing customized queries and data downloads, and creating charts and other visualizations.
Use Social Explorer to visualize and interact with data, create maps, charts, reports, and other downloads. Explore hundreds of thousands of built-in data indicators related to demography, economy, health, politics, environment, crime, and more.
Other Statistical Sources Compiled by the BLS, these are additional statistical sources, including federal and international agencies. Includes: