The Center for Student Disability Services is working remotely at this time. Please email them at for assistance.
Students should inform the professor if they have a disability or any other situation that may require Section 504/ADA accommodations. The faculty and staff will attempt to work out whatever arrangements are necessary.
Please provide me with your course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with me as soon as possible to ensure accommodations are met in a timely fashion.
In order to receive academic accommodations students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or who suspect that they might have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell or the Assistant Director, Josephine Patterson or their general email
Numerical grade | Letter Grade |
97-100 | A+ |
93-96.9 | A |
90-92.9 | A- |
87-89.9 | B+ |
83-86.9 | B |
80-82.9 | B- |
77-79.9 | C+ |
73-76.9 | C |
70-72.9 | C- |
67-69.9 | D+ |
63-66.9 | D |
60-62.9 | D- |
Below 60 | F |
Unless otherwise noted, Introduction to Rehabilitative Audiology Open Educational Resource (OER) was created by Professor Dorothy Neave-DiToro, AuD for Brooklyn College in 2020 and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Site design and formatting by Amy Wolfe, OER Developer (Brooklyn College) and Accessibility Librarian (CUNY Office of Library Services).
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