These articles critically examine some of the themes introduced in Becoming - work, gender, race, family, politics, health, motherhood - as well as investigate larger cultural issues around the representation of women, particularly women of color in positions of power.
Pageant Politics: Framing Gendered Images of Women in Leadership by Yumna Laher
(from Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, 2014)
First Lady Michelle Obama: Advocate for Strong Families by Mary L. Kahl
(from Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies, 2009)
Marketing Michelle: Mommy Politics and Post-Feminism in the Age of Obama by Caroline Brown
(from Comparative American Studies, 2012)
At Last...? Michelle Obama, Beyonce, Race and History by Farah Griffin
(from Deadalus, 2011)
Michelle Obama: Exploring the Narrative by Marian Meyers and Carmen Goman
(from Howard Journal of Communications, 2017)
Michelle Obama's Arms: Race, Respectability, and Class Privilege by Shirley Tate
(from Comparative American Studies, 2012)
How to Read Michelle Obama by Maria Lauret
(from Patterns of Prejudice, 2011)
Michelle Obama, Mom-in-Chief: The Racialized Rhetorical Contexts of Maternity by Sara Hayden
(from Women's Studies in Communication, 2017)
Contesting the Fit Citizen: Michelle Obama and the Body Politics of The Biggest Loser by Stephanie Houston Gray
(from Journal of Popular Culture, 2016)
Michelle Obama 'Got Back': (Re)Definining (Counter)Stereotypes of Black Women by Margaret M. Quinlan, Benjamin R. Bates, and Jennifer B. Webb
(from Women & Language, 2012)
A'n't I a Lady?: Race, Women, Michelle Obama, and the Ever-Expanding Democratic Imagination by Brittney Cooper
(from MELUS, 2010)
When They Go Low, We Go High: Michelle Obama's Feminist Rhetoric of Inclusion by Maureen Ebben and Teresita Garza
(from Women & Language, 2017)
Michelle Obama as a Political Symbol: Race, Gender, and Public Opinion Toward the First Lady by Alex Badas and Katelyn E. Stauffer
(from Politics & Gender, 2019)
Role Model-in-Chief: Understanding a Michelle Obama Effect by Christina S. Haynes and Ray Block
(from Politics & Gender, 2019)
Media Representations of Michelle Obama by Taquesha Brannon
(from UCLA Center for the Study of Women Update Newsletter, 2011