CLAS 2109: The Self and Society
Fall 2018
TR3B (TR 3:40-4:55p)
TR5 (TR 5:05-6:20p)
ETR6 (TR 6:30-7:45p)
Instructor: David K. Sage
2408 Boylan
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30p (or by appointment)
Grading Scale
The following scale will be used to determine final grades:
98-100% A+ 93-97.9% A 90-92.9% A-
87-89.9% B+ 83-86.9% B 80-82.9% B-
77-79.9% C+ 73-76.9% C 70-72.9% C-
67-69.9% D+ 63-66.9% D 60-62.9% D-
Below 62.9% F
Classroom Policies
1. All electronic devices, unless being used to take notes or access texts, must be turned off and put away during class. I do not want to see you texting, emailing or web surfing during class. If your devices become a problem in class, your final grade will be affected.
2. If you are late, please come in as quietly as you can.
3. It is OK to disagree, but it is not OK to be disrespectful. See Disclaimer.
We will be studying a wide variety of cultures, some of which may have held beliefs or created art or literature which some in our culture do not condone or identify with. If you are easily offended by different attitudes towards religion, war, slavery, sexuality, and the like, you may not wish to take this course. I will be frank in my discussions of some material, and I do not wish to offend anyone.
This course designed to introduce you to the main themes and ideas of self and society in the literature ranging from Classical to modern. We will explore the social, political, and religious environments that govern different societies, and the role of the individual in these societies, as shown in literature of different periods and cultures. Through a combination of lectures, class discussions, and student writing assignments, we will actively engage and critically analyze the texts themselves. By the end of the term you, the student, will be able to use with accuracy and precision basic terms of literary analysis relevant to the class readings, to read literary texts critically and to write interpretive prose, which is clear and cogent.
Important Dates
Sept. 2 Last Day to add a course
Sept. 5 Last Day to file for elective course Pass/Fail
Sept. 16 Last Day to drop a course without a grade
Nov. 6 Last Day to drop a course with a W (non-penalty) grade