English Department Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)*
SLO # |
Brief Description of Outcome |
Strategic Plan Goal # |
1 |
Department Goal 1: Read and think critically (1010 & 1012) |
Goal 1 |
2 |
Department Goal 2: Understand how language operates (1010 & 1012) |
Goal 1 |
3 |
Department Goal 3: Express ideas–both orally and in writing–correctly, cogently, persuasively, and in conformity with the conventions of the discipline: Composition Program Objective 1: Identify, write, and edit for currently accepted conventions of standard English mechanics, grammar, and style (including proper punctuation, subject-verb and noun-pronoun agreement, parallel construction, appropriate tense sequences and moods, etc.). (1010 & 1012) Composition Program Objective 2: Learn and follow the conventions of argumentation, including formulating thesis statement, and conventions of quoting and citing textual evidence. (1010 & 1012) Composition Program Objective 3: Learn how to rethink and revise essays(1010 & 1012) |
Goal 1 |
4 |
Department Goal 4: Conduct research: Composition Program Objective 1: Learn to develop viable research questions and identify appropriate sources. (1012) Composition Program Objective 2: Learn to use library resources, including collections, databases, and archives. (1012) Composition Program Objective 3: Learn how to summarize and cite both primary and secondary sources in support of the argument. (1010 & 1012) Composition Program Objective 4: Learn appropriate scholarly conventions, such as MLA Style or Chicago Manual of Style. (1010 & 1012) CompositionProgram Objective 5: Learn how to avoid plagiarism by citing sources properly. (1010 & 1012) |
Goal 1 |
(Prior to Fall 2010, this course was known as ENG 1.
The information below might still reflect the old course numbers. Bracketed numbers, if any, are the old course numbers. Learn more...)
3 hours and conference; 3 credits
Workshop in expository writing: strategies of, and practice in, analytical reading and writing about texts. Fundamentals of grammar and syntax. Frequent assignments in writing summaries, analyses, comparisons of texts, and such other expository forms as narration, description, and argumentation. Emphasis on writing as a process: invention, revision, editing. Satisfies Pathways Required Core English composition requirement. (Not open to students who have completed English 1.7.)
Prerequisite: Placement in the course on the basis of 480 or higher on the verbal SAT or 75 on the New York State Regents Examination in English, or a score of 56 on the CUNY CATW writing examination.
(Prior to Fall 2010, this course was known as ENG 2.
The information below might still reflect the old course numbers. Bracketed numbers, if any, are the old course numbers. Learn more...)
3 hours and conference; 3 credits
Writing-intensive seminar focusing on a topic chosen by the instructor. Provides students with an opportunity to explore a particular subject in depth and further develop skills of critical thinking, research techniques, and clear expression necessary for academic writing. Students should take English *1012 [2] directly after completing English 1010 [1]. Topics include: The Fool in Literature; Reading the City; 1960s: Decade of Revolt; Novels of the Jazz Age; Cross-Cultural Writing and the Arts. Satisfies Pathways Required Core English composition requirement.
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in English 1010 [1] or placement in the course on the basis of transfer evaluation.