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American Studies: Finding Encyclopedia Articles (Gale eBooks)

Finding Encyclopedia Articles via Gale eBooks

From the Library’s website, click on the Databases link.



Using the alphabetical list that appears, click on the letter "G" and then "Gale eBooks."


This database is helpful when you’re just getting started doing research on a topic, and are looking for background information or an overview. It searches across hundreds of online AUTHORITATIVE encyclopedias and the entries are written by scholars. It is a highly recommended alternative to Wikipedia. At the end of most articles, you will also see a bibliography or further reading list, which is a great way to start compiling a list of potential sources for your paper.




Sample searches:  toni morrison beloved

     “film noir”

                             “Tourette syndrome”

                              disability AND literature

                              ta nehisi coates

                              “breakfast at tiffany’s”


A few sample search results from Gale eBooks:

Clicking on the title of any of the search results will take you to the full-text of the article. You can scroll through the articles, and email the full-text of any that seem relevant.


Look for the Send to (email) and Cite features at the top right-hand side of each article. 

The Cite feature will take the citation to the article and format it in a particular style for you, like MLA. You can cut and paste the citation into your working bibliography, though you will want to proofread the citation to make sure the formatting is one hundred percent accurate.


Here's a sample paragraph (from a sample article) from Gale eBooks. It's providing a historical overview.

Here's a sample bibliography (found at the end of the articles in Gale eBooks). They are helpful in providing you with a shortlist of potential sources for your research.

To find out which of these titles (books and articles) the Library owns, you want to use oneSEARCH, so click over to the oneSearch tab in this guide for a video tutorial on how to use oneSearch.